34. Machha Jatakaya

 In those days, our Blessed One was living in Jetavana in Savath. A pious householder in Sawat wanted to become a monk. He was ordained after taking permission from his wife with great difficulty. He often goes to his old wife's house with a bowl of Dane in Pindapata. Then she prepares some sweet dish and gives it. The wife thought like this.


"What nonsense is this...? I don't have a man now. I live hard too. And if that's not enough, please fix it... She didn't make it the next day. He looked sick.

That monk is the head of the house with the bowl. The wife began to whimper and cry.

“Oh…. I... it's so hard... oh... I am thinking of going with another man now. Then I can cook for that guy. You can help with love. You can also recite sweet poems... Now what is this... Please make up your heart...."

Then the mind of the monk suddenly changed. Hapoi... Hapoi... It's going to be okay to cry. If he goes with another man... every now and then he will lose his mouth to mouth" and said this.

"No... no... I can't take it all. I understand your pain. What about other people? I am in… Well…. Then I will go and hand over the sivru to the teacher... Make up your mind and enter happily..." He immediately visited the teacher and said that he had decided to go to Sivru ​​Arin. Then Mahatherunnanse took this monk and went to visit the Blessed One. The Blessed One inquired from that monk.

"Really, monk... have you thought about wearing robes?" "That's right, blessed ones, it is difficult to meditate on the Dharma" "What is that.... What is bothering you?" "Oh Lord ... They are a bit sick in our house. She is the one who cooked me from mouth to mouth... It's hard to leave her."

“Monk…. That woman is not good for you. You died because of that woman in the previous soul. I saved you that day"

Then the monks wanted to know the details of the past. He asked the Blessed One to teach it. The Blessed One said this Machha Jataka. Machha is the Pali name for fish.

"Venerable monks, long ago there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi. At that time, the Bodhisattvas were the Brahmin priest of that king.

One day, the fishermen cast a net in the river Ganga. At that time, a big fish fell in love with a small fish and swam to the side of the net playing in the water, drunk with lust. In the past , it was the fish that danced in the water. The fish danced after her. She realized that a net had been set up for her. She went around the net. The fish, intoxicated with lust , suddenly swam into the net. When the fishermen realized that a big fish had entered the net, they immediately threw the net. A big fish . He was not killed and put on the surface of the sand.

They started preparing the coals by saying , " Light a lot of fire... make a big thorn holy too... let's burn it and eat it." But the fish is still thinking about fish. The fish remembers her. A great jealousy arose that she would have fun with another fish. He cried loudly and said this stanza.

"Oh, I'm either cold or hot

No matter what

Caught in the net

It doesn't matter if you die

Mine left me

If you go with someone else

Hey, how am I picking it up..."

The voice was crying. At that time, the Bodhisattvas had come to bathe on the river bank with a group of slaves. Bodhisattvas were able to understand the meaning of even subtle sounds. The Bodhisattvas heard someone wailing in extraordinary pain. Listened well. Oh, it's a screaming fish. A fish lying in the sand and committed to death. I felt great pity for this fish, thinking that if it dies with a mind deluded by lust, it will be born in hell.

The bodhisattvas went to the fishermen. 'Emba people, won't you give me a fish to cook for even one day?'

“Oh Lord…. What does this mean? Do you have any fish that you don't give to yourself... buy a fish of your choice from here"

“Then… I don't mind without other fish…. Come on, I want that fish ."

“And… and… what's up with that ? We were ready to burn…. But it doesn't matter. take it"

Then the bodhisattvas quickly took the fish. Went down to the river. " O fish... You barely survived today because of me. "Don't get involved in that much dirt." The fish flapped its fins and swam happily.

Monks, this monk was doing the avaya during his lay life. This monk was the big fish. This Maccha Jataka said that I was the Brahmin priest. After hearing this sermon, that monk was very upset about Sasara. The Blessed One preached the Fourfold Truth. That monk became sovan.

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