33. Sammodamana Jatakaya

 In those days, our Blessed One was working and living in Nigrodharama in Kimbulwat. At that time a riot broke out between the Sakyas and Koliyas. On that day, the Blessed One addressed his relatives and said:


"Your Highnesses, it is not right for you to disturb each other. In the past, even the beasts lived in harmony, suppressing the hostile forces. But after they disagreed and started arguing, great disasters happened.

Then the relatives of the Blessed One asked the Blessed One to tell the story of the past. The Blessed One said this Sammodamana Jataka. Sammodamana means living in harmony.

Dear Sirs, Once upon a time there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi. At that time Mahabodhisattva Vatu Yoni were also born. After he became a grown quail bird, he lived in the forest surrounded by thousands of quail birds. At that time, there was a quail breeder in that province. He goes to the area where the quails live and shouts in the voice of the quails. Then the quails gather there after hearing that sound. Vedda throws a big net over the gathered birds. Now they can't fly. When they hit, they collect all the quails in a pile, fill them in a bag and take them home. Live by selling them.

One day the Bodhisattvas called all the quails.

"Watukurullan... Now wait... They attack and destroy our birds. I know a trick so that wedda can't catch us. From today we all have to work together. Vedda will come and put a net on us. Then each of us put our head in the hole of the net and lift the net and fly away. After that , we have to go as far as we like and go to a barbed wire. After that, we can't fly under it.

All the quails were happy saying " ha... ha... very much appreciated".

The next day, when the quails gathered , the net was thrown from above. Because of Bosat Vatu Kurulla's instructions, they did not shout that day. Not worried. With its head on the holes, it lifted the net and flew away. The thorns fell to the ground. He crawled under and ran away. Vedda had to spend a long time to save the net tangled in thorns. Because the quails started to act like that continuously, I had to go home empty-handed after being hit for many days.

The wife was very angry because her husband came home empty-handed. “Yes…. For many days now, he comes late at night to pull the net empty-handed. The next day, the net is taken to Mahaloku. What happened to you? Not a single quail... Is it bad for you if you think about another job?"

"This…. Yodi... You know that I cannot have other jobs. It's not working now. Once upon a time even the birds of the forest. They are reconciled. As soon as I put the net, there is no screaming like usual. Everyone is flying high in the net. I still can't imagine what happened. After that, they become bitter. Creeping from corner to corner and flying. But I know one. Their harmony does not last long. Wait till then... Vedda said this stanza to his wife while I bring the bag full of birds.

"The birds took the net and flew away

Because they were happy together

When they argued in disagreement

Then it's my turn."

"Maharajas, the quails were only able to work together for a few days. When one sparrow swooped down to look for its prey, it fell on the head of another sparrow. The quail bird was very angry about that. “ You… why hit my head ” “Oh… I accidentally did that. Is there anything to be so angry about? “Angry…. Do you know who I am? And let's see who will raise the net without us." In this way, the uproar increased. They argued loudly with each other. scolded

Then Bosat the quail thought like this. "This is not working. They seem to continue this fight. I read that the net will not be lifted right now. If this goes on , we will all be devastated. Vedda will get a chance to catch us. Now it is very dangerous for us to stay here" and took his group and flew to another forest.

As before, he came and threw the net over the quails. The quails also fought near that net. 'Ha... ha... don't lift the net from here. Your fur falls on my head. Step away a little more... Another bird said: 'This... don't come up from this side. It hits my wings... Come on, go a little further and pick me up... I'm really worried about you... I won't pick up... If you want, pick me up.... No... Why am I raising a net? Why am I the only one who needs to raise this? Why are you...just trying to escape?' While fighting in this way, everyone started to fall into the trap of the victim. No one was saved that day. Everyone was caught. Wedda came home after filling his bag with birds and making his wife laugh.

Look, Your Majesty, it is not proper to have riots among your own people. It destroys their own people. That day the riot continued and got into trouble because of an unwise quail. That quail was Devadatta. Was it not me who became the wise quail ?" said the Blessed One.

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