Jathaka Katha
In those days, our Blessed One was working, living and speaking in Jetavana, Sawat city. That was the day when Devadat…
In those days, our Blessed One lived and worked in Savatnuwara Jetavana. At that time, there lived many tirthaka Thaus…
In those days, the Blessed One was working and living in Jetawana in Sawat. A princess of a certain caste in Savath ch…
At that time, the Blessed One was staying in Jetavana in Sawat. In those days, an acquaintance of Anepidu Sittu had a …
In those days, when the Blessed One was growing up in Kosol Colony, he lived in a certain village. A chief of that vil…
In those days, our Blessed One was staying at Jetavan in Sawat. In those days there was a maid named Rohini in the hou…
In those days, our Blessed One was traveling in Magadha colony. While traveling from Savath to Magadha, he came to a ce…