20. Nalapana Jatakaya

The story of the monkeys who drank water from the bamboo

This Nalapana Jataka Harima is a beautiful story. Some of the miracles performed by our Blessed One during the time of Bodhisattva's perumpurana were still left. This is how it happened.

In those days, when our Blessed One was on his tour of Kosol Colony, he visited the village of Nalakapana. There is also a big pond in that village called Nalakapana. There is a forest in a field next to that pond. The people of that Nalakapana village built huts for the Blessed One and the Bhikshu Sangha.

That day it was easy to drink from the pond that the monks used to pipe. Thinking of making a small needle hole to put the needles, the novices cut the reeds from the surrounding reeds and brought them. When you cut it, there is no link in the middle of the reed. There is a single hole inside that tube. Then the monks mentioned this to the Blessed One.

Monk, if you cut any reed in those reed bushes, you will see the same hole from the beginning to the end. Monks, the link in the middle of these reed trees was lost due to a determination made by me in a previous soul.

Then those monks asked the Blessed One to tell the story about that determination that happened in the past.

Monk, a long time ago there was a great forest in that jungle village . Then there was that pond. There was a dangerous liquid in that pond at that time. Those who descend into the pond are caught and eaten.

At that time, bodhisattvas were born in monkey vaginas. A great monkey king, the size of a big deer. The monkey king who lived in that forest had a group of about eighty thousand monkeys. That monkey king warned his monkey group one day.

There are poisonous trees in this forest. Inhumans have underground ponds. Therefore, before you eat a fruit that you have not eaten before, before you drink a drink that you have not drunk before, you must ask me for permission.

So that group of monkeys acted according to the saying of Mahavandura. One day this group of monkeys went to another province. It took a while to find a pond of drinking water in that province. The group of monkeys went to that pond. But did not drink. He was waiting for Mahavandura to come. Bosat the monkey came.


*"Why children…. Didn't you drink water?"

**"We were waiting for you to come."

"It's very good," he said, looking at the bank around the pond. There are signs that the animals went down to the pond. But there is no sign that the ponds have come up. Then Mahavandura called the group.

"Children... The work you have done is very good. Not drinking. This is a pond inhabited by in humans." The water monster was also waiting for this herd of monkeys to descend into the water. But it was learned that no one would go into the water . The water in the ponds split and a terrible monster emerged.

“Hey…. Why are you sitting outside thirsty? Varella…. Go down to the pond and have a drink.

Then Bosat the monkey spoke.

"and…. Are you the water monster who got into this pond?"

“Yes… I am.”

"Then you will kill anyone who goes into the pond?"

*"Yes. I will not spare even a bird that goes down to the pond. I will eat you all"

“Where are they…. I won't let you eat any of us."

"Then have a drink."

"Yes…. We jump out of this pond and get drunk.  Likewise , you will not be seduced."

"and…. How do you do that? Let's see how to drink without going into the pond."

Then Bosat, the monkey king, broke a reed that was nearby. He took that reed stick and did the true act of wanting the good of all creatures. After performing satyakarya, he put his mouth on the lower corner of the reed and blew it. Then the links in the middle of that batandanda disappeared. It had a single hole. Bosat is very happy for the monkey. Then let him fill all the reeds around this pond with a single hole without a link. It was determined. At that moment , the links in all those reeds disappeared. It had a single hole.

Monks, there was a single hole without a link in those batagas because of the determination I made that day. Devadatta was lying in the pond that day. Eighty thousand monkeys were the group of Buddha. "I was the monkey king full of tact ," said the Blessed One.

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