35. Vataka Jatakaya

 In those days , the Blessed One was traveling in the country of Magadha with a large group of monks. There was a beggar in a certain village in Magadha. In the evening, he left for the trip again with the monks. Gradually came to the forest area. At that time, it was seen that a distant forest fire had broken out in the forest. Vadin didn't get any more. Forest fire in the future. There is a fire in the forest behind. The entire area was covered in smoke. A line of fire appeared on both sides. The Prithagjana monks who were there were scared to death.


“Oh…. Let's start a fire on this side. Then, because there is a fire against the forest fire, it will not come this way."

Some monks who were there said: “Oh… Evetni… what are you doing? The moon is visible in the middle of the sky. The Sun is visible on the horizon from a thousand gathering rings rising from the east. Have you forgotten that even though the great ocean is in the company of the sineru rock, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is with us? Why bother to create a fire against a forest fire? Don't you know Sambudu power...? And... and... let's stop that and go to the Blessed One"

Then the Blessed One went to a certain area accompanied by a large congregation of monks. The great forest fire came all around. When he arrived, the land around the area where the Blessed One was sitting was completely extinguished like a sponge of fire dipped in water. The forest fire did not come close to an area of ​​about thirty-two kilometers around it. Then the monks started chatting about the miracle of the Blessed One.

"It's very mysterious, isn't it? Buddha nature is truly mysterious. It is unimaginable. Wasn't this heartless forest fire burning in the great forest itself, rising from the flames, and extinguished in an instant like a foam of fire dipped in water while keeping a distance from the place where the Blessed One was sitting?

The Blessed One heard this story of the monks. Then he said:

"No, monks, this Sambudhu is not a glorification of virtues. Bosat Guna is the glory. I was caught in a big forest fire in this area during my childhood. That day I did a good deed. Since then, this area we are in will not be burned by a forest fire until this time. The miracle that took place during that bodhisattva was effective for a long time.

Then Ananda folded the baggy robe into four and spread the floor for the Blessed One to sit on. The Blessed One sat there with a turban . The Bhikshu Sanghayat worshiped the Blessed One and sat down.

"Blessed Lord , we have seen the miracle that happened today with our own eyes. But Lord, we do not know how satyakriya was done in the past during the time of our Blessed One's bodhisattva. The monks requested the Blessed One to tell us that story of the past. The Blessed One called this Wattaka Jataka. Wattaka is a name given to the bird.

"Venerable monks, long ago in this very region of Magadha, the great Bodhisattva was born in the vagina of a quail. When the bird's egg was broken, there was a baby quail the size of a big ball. The parents of that baby bird kept in the nest and fed this baby. They brought prey with their mouths and fed them. The baby bird is still very young . It has no power to spread its wings and fly. There is no way to walk on the ground. Forest fires occur in this area for years. At that time, forest fires spread wildly in this area. The birds flew as far away as they could. Bosa and Wattaka Kurulla 's parents were scared to death. There is no way to take the baby bird. Because he wanted to save his life, he left the baby bird and flew away crying .

Bosat the baby bird was reclining in the nest . He raised his head and looked around. A great body of fire is raging. The baby bird thought like this.

“Oh… if I had wings I would fly too. If you can walk , run somewhere else. Fearing death, my parents left me and ran away. I have no recourse but myself now. What am I doing now? thought that Then Bosa and the baby bird started thinking like this. "There is such a thing as virtues in this world. There is such a thing as truth. In the past, there were omniscient Buddhas who were filled with the virtue of compassion who attained Abhisambodhi at the beginning of Parami Pura Bo. There is something called dharmaguna which they understood and said. I have the same truth. That is the only truth that I am alone and alone facing nature. May the forest fires be extinguished with this truth!” said this stanza.

"I have wings but I cannot fly."

Even if I have legs, I can't walk now

My parents left me and ran away

Stop the forest fire… Stop the forest fire…”

The Mahabodhisattvas performed this true action while lying down inside the nest, unable to spread their wings and unable to spread their legs. The forest fire in the area of ​​about sixteen miles was suddenly extinguished like a fire sponge pressed into water. This is that area. A forest fire will never cause any damage during this period.

Venerable monks, this is the truth that I had in me when I was a baby quail in the age of Bosat. I survived the terrible forest fire that day with the help of Satyakriya. "I am preaching the Dharma to be freed from the forest fire of Meda Sasara forever," said Chaturarya Satya in detail. At the end of that sermon, some monks became sovan. Some monks became monks. Some monks became agnostic. Some bhikkhus became arhats. "On that day, the mother and father of this soul were the parents of the baby quail. It was I who was the bird," the Blessed One preached the birth of the bird.

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