06. Devadhamma Jatakaya

 Although we are all born in the human world, we were born in many souls in the past. People born in various animal planes. It is rare to be born in an environment to know the true nature of life when there is dharma. A Buddha statue is very rare. This story tells about a five-year-old wayward monk who became a Buddhist monk.

There was a village house in Savatnuwara. Both husband and wife go to church frequently. He also listens to sermons. Gives and gives. This couple has no children. After some time, the wife fell ill. Bethet did not heal. She died. The husband was alone. Then he thought like this.


"Now we don't even have Hamine.... Only me... there is no point in living alone in this house.... Mm…. I have to become a priest now too"

So he expressed his desire to become a priest in this Sangha. After that, I built some cabins to be a little further away from the money that was in the house. A kitchen was also built. A warehouse was also built. The storehouse was filled with ghee, rice flour, etc. After being ordained, the slaves who were at home were called. They used to prepare their favorite food and drinks and lived in peace. One day, he asked his servants to clean his clothes and put the things to dry in the hot sun.

At that time, many colonist monks roamed around the Senasana circuit, and this monk's hut was bigger than the complex. Cleaned all over and left to dry.

“Really…. Are there many monks in this place?”

"Oh no dear... I'm the only one…”

"She...! Can't be... And all these things are for your personal use...?"

“That’s right… of course… it’s easy for me then”

"That means back... These four... That sivruth….. this dress… that dress…. This blanket... The blanket in hand... These blankets…. Those blankets…. Are all of them yours?"

“So… yes… yes…. Those are mine but who else's....!"

“Huh… come back…. It is right that you have become a monk in the Buddhist order that teaches about a very simple life... Ten people are not clean. And… and…. Let's go back... Let us go to the Blessed One and take care of this. Let us make it simple so that the path of Dharma will be helped."

Then the old monk did not like it. Unwillingly, he was taken to the Blessed One.

"Why... monks... you bring that monk unwillingly"

“Lord…. Blessed are you... This monk was recently ordained. Not interested in learning Dhamma or growing Satipattana. A lot of clothes have been piled up and a lot of stuff has become a big complex. Simplicity is not measured until seen.... It has become pointless polyglot...”

"Really, monk... does this mean... have you become a polymath...?"

"That's right... Blessed Ones"

Why... the monk... just piles up things and suffers... To pass the time with the ten stories often is to create simplicity and help this path to Nirvana. The monk I praise for living austerely with less desire. About being happy with what you get. It's about meditating in solitude. About not joining the crowd. It's about having the hero that started... So, bhikkhu, you too should like that simplicity.”

Then the old monk got very angry. "It doesn't matter. So, are you telling me to stay like this?" The monk threw the robe he was holding the ax on the ground. Standing outside the drawer.

How much pity the Blessed One must have felt for this old priest who, while giving a warning for the good, had lost his robe in the middle of the crowd. The Blessed One said:

"Monk... In the past, you were born as a water monster. Even though you are a monster, you have worked hard for twelve years looking for the meaning of shame and fear.... Now look.... In the middle of a group of monks, nuns, upasakas and upasikas, who are monks and nuns, they are standing in the middle of a group of monks and nuns. Then the monk felt ashamed. He immediately bent down and took the robe and took the axe. Worshiped the Master . Sat together. The monks there wanted to know about the life that the monk lived as a water monster. He asked the Blessed One to tell the story that no one knew.

"Monks, long ago there was a king named Bambadat in Varanasi, Kasi country. At that time, Bodhisattvas were conceived in the womb of Agamehesis of that king. This prince got the name Mahimmasa. While Prince Mahimmasa was running and playing, the queen gave birth to another son. He got the name Chanda Kumara. The mother of these princes died when that prince Chanda was running away. The king was very sad. After some time, another queen got the position of Agamehesi. The new Prime Minister also got a son . That son was named Sun Prince. That Sun Prince is also very beautiful . The king was overjoyed to see his son .

“My dear Devi…. Aren't these toddlers pretty ? I am very happy today... Devi…. You can ask me anything you want. I'll do it any time."

"Gods... I am also very happy today. Happiness is the most... Now, at this time, I can't think of anything like that... Oh, I'll tell you later...

The second concubine, Suriya Kumaraya, was waiting with her fingers crossed for him to reach the age of puberty. One day the king looked for a time to be happy and asked for the boon.

"Gods... I say this... Don't you remember that day... when our Sun Prince was born... at that time we all... I... Was….. Harima…. Happy... So…. God remembers not…. The one who said to ask…..”

"Yes…. Goddess... what's up, I forgot... I remember too... And… and… so… to say…”

"So gods... To our Sun Prince... Yes…. Our Sun Prince must get the kingship…..that is the only time I ask……!”

Then the king's face changed. Eyes widened. He looked at Agabisova.

“Yes…. What... King... King Kartei... To Prince Suriya. why…. Didn't you see... My other eldest sons, the princes, who are shining like great flames...?... You are also demented...”

"Hane... Gods... If you find out that cheating women are given false sentences, will Rattu Makka say... that your agabisawa is also a cheater... I will then... Then….. Then…. Oh... You said that to deceive me then... I mean... Come on... If you don't fulfill this vow, you will be greatly scarred..."

The second queen will not leave. Panna panna is asking for the king's blessing. At the last moment, the king spoke to the two elder princes.

"My son Prince... I made a serious mistake. When our Prince Suriya was born, I gave a boon to our Agabisova for happiness.... Now she is asking for the kingship of Prince Suriya. I don't like it. Women are not sure... Sons can't do any harm.... So son... Live in the forest. Come after me and rule a caste-owned city." He hugged the two children and cried. The forehead of the son princes is Simba.

So those princes worshiped Piyaraju. Left the palace. Prince Suriya, who was playing in Rajangane, saw this. “Brother… I am coming too…. "I am not here without you," he said and left with them. Went to the Himalayas.

The Bodhisattvas sat in the shade of a tree to rest. Called his younger brother.

"Brother... the sun... if you want to go to that distant lake, take a bath, drink some tea and bring me some tea on a lotus leaf"

There is a water monster in that lake. He took a vow from the god king Vesamuni. If any of those who come down to this lake knows theology, he is not allowed to be billigan. Billigan is allowed if those who don't know the religion go into the water.

So Prince Suriya went down to the lake without asking anything, and the snake caught him.

" and….! Now say…. What is Deva Dharma…. ?”

He suddenly lost his mind. He said: " Oh...  Rakshasaya... Isn't Deva Dharma for the moon and the sun ?"

“Haha…. Haha… ha… tho…. "I don't know ,"  said the water monster, locking Prince Suriya in his abode under the water.

Bodhisattvas are waiting. There is no water. Not even Prince Suriya. "Brother... Chanda... Suriya has left and has not returned yet. you go. Go... take my brother with you and bring me a lotus leaf too."

Chanda Kumara also went directly and went down to the lake. Caught the snake. He asked what Deva Dharma is. He said that Deva Dharma is the four directions. The answer is wrong. He also hid in the monster house underwater.

Both brothers are gone. did not come Prince Bosat left on that journey. Standing by the lake, he looked around carefully. There is a footpath down to the lake. You can't see the footprints of someone who came out of the lake... According to the mysterious nature of this place, I don't know if there is even a monster. I have to be ready for anything ' and kept the sword ready. The bow and arrows were also taken. Then a man came from the forest. The Bodhisattvas were told this.

"Gentleman... why are you... Are you afraid of the lake ? It's like there is travel fatigue... To go into the lake... to swim well... Panut to drink….. ate lotus leaves…. Crocheted a garland... wearing…. Don't go to Nivi Hanahille..."

Then Bosatano looked at him. "Mm... He doesn't move his eyes... Oh... There is no shade... They are going to drop me in the lake too. He must be the devil who took this lake..." Thinking that, he called.

“Embala demon…. Tell me the truth... You took my two princes, didn't you?"

“Yes… I am”

“Why… did that”

"I can biligan those who go down to this lake"

"Does that mean everyone who goes down to this lake can be billigan?"

"No... Those who know God's Dharma cannot be billed. Others can"

“Embala demon…. Do you have any use for Deva dharma?”

"Oh yes... I am very eager to know what is this divine doctrine"

"Okay... I know God"

“Then…. Prince... tell me God's dharma"

"How can I say God's dharma with such an impure body..."

Then the water-cushion bathed the princess Mahimmasa with cool water. Had meals. Drink. A series of fragrant flowers were worn. A beautiful mandapa was created and a precious seat covered with blankets was prepared. The Bodhisattva sat on the seat. The monster was made to sit on the ground.

“Devil… then… listen carefully and ask. "I am now going to speak about Deva Dharma," said this stanza.

“Hiriotthappasana – Sukkadhammasamahita

Santo Sappurisa Loke – Devadhammati Vuchcare.

Merits coexist with religion

Both shame and fear

In this world called Deva Dharma

Saints say

After that, the snake was very happy. He asked me to give details about it. The Bodhisattvas explained the two aspects of shame and fear very beautifully. “Devil…. There are vices committed by the body. Killing animals, stealing, fornication etc. Similarly, there are evils done by words. Lying, backbiting, rude words, empty words etc. There are vices committed by the mind. The things that are foreign to one's own are loving, hating, not accepting merits and demerits, etc. One is ashamed to do these things. That means shame on immorality.

You can create shame by thinking about yourself as the main, important, noble, and wise person. I am such a person. It is not worth doing such lame things for someone like me.

This is how the fear of sin arises. “Huh… there are gods in this world. There are people who have holidays. There are people who know the hearts of others. If those nobles see me, they will not be ashamed. I am afraid of that. And I am afraid that my heart will blame me. I am afraid that someone else will blame me. And such crimes have terrible punishments. Huh…. Why do I make mistakes that will be punished? Let's say that everyone was closed, hiding and doing evil.... But it is not possible to hide and escape from the evil reward of the hereafter....! I am afraid of bad consequences.

Devil, you want to make people feel ashamed and afraid like that. Devil, these two virtues are called theology by the virtuous people of the world because of the supreme dharma.

The liquid was given. Very impressed. Bodhisattvas were told this.

“Great wise prince…. Deva dharma is right for him. That's why I give you one brother. OK…. Who do you want to come with..."

“Devil…. I want the younger brother. Bring him along"

"Hopey... it's late... You don't just know God's dharma. Do not follow or not……. Why not treat seniors. Leaving the senior and bringing in the junior is not appropriate. Okay….”

"not…. Devil,…. I also know God. And behave in God's dharma. I know the senior-junior division very well. Here is another problem.

We got through these forests because of the younger prince and not because of the elder prince. That elder prince and I are the two children of the same mother. Our mother was lost. Then our king gave the position of agabiso to another queen. That Balasahodara Suriya Kumaraya is the son of that Agabisova. So on the day that Sun Prince was born, our Piyaraju gave a boon to that Agabisowa. Saying that he will take that time later, he is now asking Suriya to give the kingship to the prince. Then our father did not give that blessing and sent us to the forest to save our lives. When we left the palace, Prince Suriya came with us as if by force. If I leave Prince Suriya and take my elder brother Chanda Kumar, if I say that Prince Suriya was eaten by a devil, no one will believe. We will tell this prince that she has caused an accident. I am afraid of that hatred. That's why the eldest asked for the youngest"

“Sadhu…. The way Sadu...Kumaraya...Kalpana Korora is really appreciated. You also know God. It exists in God's dharma. Very appreciated. I am returning both of them."

Then the Bodhisattvas told that liquid creature more facts. “Oh…. Friend…. Now to see... There's nothing wrong with you being able to become virtuous as soon as we are.... Because of the mistakes you made in a previous soul, you were born as a devil who eats the blood and flesh of others in this soul and suffered the consequences of those sins.... Again those same sins are not committed...! If you take these sins as punishment, you will not be able to escape from the sorrows of hell... Not so... From now on, give up the desire for flesh and blood. To enjoy the merits…. Leave that lake and come with us... You are also established in God's dharma...

The devil was impressed. He obeyed the bodhisattvas. was restrained Gave up eating meat and blood. Used to fruit. Yaka protected these three people well.

One day Prince Mahimsama was looking at the sky. Noticed a change in the position of the stars. Called the brothers the next morning. Brother... Now it's time for us to go back. According to the position of the stars last night, our father has passed away."

So the Bodhisattva went to Varanasi with his two brothers and the water bottle. The ministers entrusted the kingdom to the bodhisattvas. King Bosat assigned princeship to Prince Chanda and commandership to Prince Suriya. A shrine was built for the devil near a beautiful pond in the royal garden. Agra garlands, agra flowers, agra food were made to receive upastana.

Look, monks, this multi-faceted monk, who used to be wet then, today put aside his robes and stood in the middle of the crowd without fear of shame. Our Sariputta was born as Prince Chanda. Our Ananda was born as the Sun Prince. I was not born as the prince of Mahimmasaka,'' he said.

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