05. Tandulanali Jatakaya

It's surprising to see the habits we have. Many people do what they did in previous souls in this soul. Doing the same stupid things again. Those who worked wisely in the past are also working wisely in this spirit. Now we learn a story of a monk who repeated the foolishness of his soul.

It was because of that monk that the Blessed One said this Tandulanali Jataka. That monk's name is Laludai. The incident happened like this.

A child named Mallaputra Dabba died at an early age. He reaped the proper fruits of dharma and became a Rahat. He was known as Dabba Mallaputra Rahat. So this Arhat thought to help the Sangha. The Blessed One was informed about it. Then the Blessed One made this monk a Bhattuddesaka according to his wishes. It means that when the invitation to give alms is received, the Sangha is informed in an orderly manner that these monks are to be sent for that purpose, and they make them pray for that alms.


So in the morning, when the Sangha is directed to alms, in some cases, Laludai Therun gets the delicious alms in places. In some cases, Vadin is also received in places where alms are given. Even if a boring alms can't be done, if Laludai gets to go to Therun, it will be a mess that day.

“What does this bastard know…. You don't know how to send the Sangha in an orderly manner.... Do you think we don't understand these things.... Hey…..! If you give it to me, I will show you how to do it." When it was impossible to escape from Laludai Therun, the son of Dabba Malla assigned Laludai Therun to give the Sangha a donation.

From then on, Laludai Therun started giving tundu to the Sangha. I don't even know if this is a good charity or a lame charity. They don't even know how to choose a Sangha based on the number of monks. When the Sangha is sitting and standing for alms, the number of poisons is not considered. Laludai Bhikkhu: When the bhikkhu comes to give alms, he puts a mark on the floor or wall saying that this bhikkhu was here, and that this bhikkhu was here.

On the other day, there may be less monks who take tundu. It can be increased. Then there may be a few monks below the place marked by Laludai monk and there may be more monks in front of it. Then, regardless of the monks waiting in line for alms, they give tunduks to the monks who are in the place marked by them. Then those monks said this to Laludai monk.

"But Laludai... It doesn't matter if the place you mark is behind or before. A hundred thousand monks received the holy gift. "A hundred thousand monks received the Lamaka alms."

Then Laludai and the monk started to say the same thing.

"Why did I go and stand like that when I had put signs like this....? Are you telling me that you will trust me? I believe in the mark I left.”

It did not go well for the newly ordained young novices. They also started saying the same thing.

"This…. Laludai…. The Sangha profit that should be received by the monks is not properly received by your tundu bedilla. You can't do that job. "You're going to go," he said loudly. Laludai and Therun shouted and started fighting.

The Blessed One heard this noise.

"Ananda.... a great noise is heard at the place where the alms are distributed.... Like a fight... What's that noise...?"

Then Ananda told the Blessed One about Laludai Theru's foolish behavior.

“Ananda…. Not only Laluday now. A previous soul also suffered a lot by doing stupid things.

Then the monks wanted to know the details of Laludai Therun's previous soul. He pleaded with the Blessed One to tell him what had happened before. At that time the Blessed One said this Tandulanali Jataka.

“Sir, it happened like this. Once upon a time, there was a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi, Kasi country. At that time, Bodhisattvas worked for those kings. Worked as the officer who appraised the value of goods. He valued elephants, horses, gold, silver and pearls at a fair price. Then the owners of those goods received money for the respective value. But that king was very greedy. He thought like this.

"Hopey... If this assessment officer is there, I will be happy. Don't they ask for the right price in advance? more…. After a while... the wealth of the treasury will simply be empty.... impossible... Don't let that happen... I want to find a suitable one.

The king went upstairs and looked away from the bedroom window, thinking sad thoughts like that. Then he saw a greedy man in the village going from the king's yard. I saw and thought this. "I'm going to come.... the one who suits my job.... I want to bring her"

So the king brought him and said.

“Bola…. I will give you a suitable job. It is not possible to fix the price of goods.

"That's right... Gods... I can do it"

The king, out of greed to protect his property, appointed this foolish person as the assessment officer. Since then, this idiot has been setting the price of his mind. Since he was in that position, his sentence was final.

One day, a grain merchant from the northern region came to Varanasi with five hundred horses. Five hundred horses were brought to the royal yard. The king summoned that stupid officer. He was asked to set a price for the five hundred horses. He solemnly turned his head and looked at the horses and said:

“Lord Gods,…. As I see it…. This…. This is what happens to the most valuable of Aspayans.... This Aspayan is the most valuable rice of the five hundred Aspayans.

The Assa merchant went up and fell down. Eyes widened. Tongue stuck. Sweated. Born in Kalanta. There is nothing to do. Royal Assessing Officer's decision no. The horses were brought to the palace. The merchant received the rice ball. The merchant took the rice bowl with him and went to search for Bodhisattva. He told the details through tears. Then he gave advice to the merchant.

Friend…. Don't worry…..that appraiser is a fool….you do this. Give that person something. Give and ask.

“Answer, you assessed my five hundred horses at one rice millet. Also, I would like to know how much the value of the rice ball is estimated from your own understanding. So…. It can be said that the value of this rice ball in front of the king is this much, can't it?

Then he will take that gift. He will promise that he can tell the value in front of the king.

He met the Bodhisattvas as the grain merchant had said. Gifts were given. He bowed to the side of his house. Under the bribe, he was willing to assess the grain of rice at the request of the grain seller. That day Bodhisattva and many ministers went to the palace.

The merchant worshiped the king. He said this.

"Gods, the value of five hundred horses was one bushel of rice. Gods... Ask the Royal Valuation Officer how much this rice ball is worth!”

Then the king looked at the assessor he had appointed.

"Emba assessor, how much is the value of five hundred horses...?"

“Lord Gods,…. Rice is an actress”

“Embala…. So be it. Those horses are worth a rice ball! How much is the price of rice?"

"Gods... This rice actress is not like this. It is as valuable as the state of Varanasi, which has both an inner city and an outer city.

"He used to deal with the king's questions and the value of five hundred horses became one rice paddy. After taking a bribe from the rice seller, that rice plant was assessed to the state of Benares, which has internal and external resources.

Monks.... The city walls were twelve yodans in circumference at that time. (120 km) The outer city is three hundred yodans in size. (3000 km) Thus, that stupid appraiser appraised the prosperous state of Benares for one rice millet.

Hearing this, the ministers clapped loudly and started laughing.

"Gods... We used to hear that the value of the earth and kings cannot be estimated... Now let's look at the value of the kingdom of Benares with its kings. Oh... How is the wisdom of an assessor....! Where was this appraiser all this time....? Is he acting like this according to the thoughts of our God...?"

The king's face turned red with embarrassment. Karagan has nothing to do. Immediately removed that idiot. Bodhisattvas were assigned those positions. At that time it was Laludai who did that stupid thing.

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