09. Makhadeva Jatakaya

We have heard that our Lord Buddha lived for countless ages. It is not something that ordinary people in the world can do. We understand that by learning how our Bodhisattva is in Parami. He is one who has found samsara emancipation in infinite past souls and renounced all things. It is called inaction. It is called Nekkhamma in Pali language. Relinquishing all sensual objects with the desire to be free from worldly suffering. Mahabosa's abandonment is very surprising.


So one day the monks gathered at Damsabha Mandape in Sawat. He was chatting about how the Blessed One had sought liberation.

"Really... An ordinary person cannot even imagine doing such a thing. Didn't Rahul break the lay bond on the day Prince Sigiti was born? They did not even look at the palaces built for the three seasons called beautiful, beautiful and auspicious. Didn't Rahula, who was shining like a rosary, look at the liberation, instead of looking at the mothers.... An ordinary human being has no ability to take such a bold decision...”

At that time Lord Buddha came to Damsabha Mandapam and said. Sitting in the prescribed Buddhasana.

"Gentlemen, what was the matter I was chatting about first?"

"Blessed Lords, we did not make lame speeches that were harmful to the path of Dharma, such as thirty-two stories. We were having this conversation about the miraculous and mysterious way in which the Blessed One left the worldly life for the sake of enlightenment and great liberation."

"Brothers, it is not only this life that found liberation and left the lay life and left the lay house. In endless past ages, I have given up such a lay life.

“Oh Lord…. Blessed Ones, how did the Blessed One leave the worldly life during the bodhisattva stage of that past soul? We'd love to hear a story about it."

Then the Blessed One pointed out one more instance from the life stories of the bodhisattvas who were covered by the sand during the time.

"Gentlemen, long ago there was a country called Dambadiwa Videha. There was a capital in that country called Mithila. There lived a king called 'Makhadeva' in that city. He is very pious. A righteous king. People were very old at that time.

So that king Makhadeva also spent eighty four thousand years playing as a prince. He also spent eighty four thousand years in the position of prince. He spent eighty four thousand years as a Maharaja. One day this Makhadeva king spoke to the servant who was combing his hair.

"Friend…..if you see an ingrown hair on my head when you are combing my head, you must inform me immediately"

Since then, this employee has been combing his head very diligently. After a long time passed, he saw that one hair had grown in the area of ​​the king's dark colored hair.

"Gods... It seems that one hair has grown among the colored hairs on your head!"

"Very good friend….. then pluck that ripe hair and put it in my hand"

Then the hair comber brought the golden tongs and very carefully removed the ripe hair. Makhadeva had the king in his hand. At that time, King Makhadeva still had time left to live another eighty four thousand years. Despite this, I thought about life like this.

“Oh… or…. My life is not over. Ong informed me that Mara was coming. "This sign is as if the roof of his house is on fire," he started calling to himself.

“Mbala Makhadeva…. You are a big fool….. why are you still late….? A hair is ripe.... want…. You were informed that your life will end. Can't you still give up this shit?”

Sir,…. So the Makhadeva kings kept that hair tree in their hands and meditated over and over again on the wretched deaths. While meditating like that, a thousand were born from within the body. The body started to sweat. The clothes were very wet with sweat. Then I thought like this.

"Yes! I am giving up all this today. Yes…. I will become a monk today..." and the servant who combed his head was given a village with an income of 100,000 kahwanu. He called his eldest son.

“My dear son…. A hair stood on my head. I am an old man now. A person who turns his face in the direction of filthy death. I have not enjoyed the resources of the human world. I want to go to heaven. So I decided to give up all lust. This kingdom will be given to you today. I can close this Makhadeva by living in the mango forest and chanting."

This matter was brought to the attention of the ministers. They also immediately gathered in the palace. “Lord Gods,…. Why did you decide to give up the kingship and all these comforts and become a monk so quickly?"

Then, monks... That Makhadeva king kept that long hair on his hand and said this stanza to those ministers.

'On the surface of my hair

Life stealer

This ripe hair has come down

Jara took the marks of death

The angels came

Now it's time for me to become a priest!'

Monks... So at that time, that King Makhadeva did such trivial things about the lay life. He wanted to become a priest. Gave up everything for that. Gave up that day. Rishi was ordained as a monk. Makhadeva got down from the palace and left for the mango forest. Metta, Karuna, Mudita, Upekkha did the four Brahma vihara meditation. Meditation was born. He spent four thousand years as a monk. Born in the world of Brahma after death. Brahma lived in that world for a long time. Once again that Brahma was removed from the world. In that country of Videha, the city of Mithila itself became king by the name of Nimirajaya. Tried the long pious reign of that dynasty. Abandoned that royal life. He was ordained again. Brahmavihara meditation was done. He lived in that mill. He was born again in Brahmaloka after death.

Monks, it is not only in this spirit that the Tathagatas found liberation and ascended. Without an end, in this way, people have left the house and found liberation.

But sir…. Every time I had to turn around and come back to Sasara. Not so now. At this time, if a person goes to liberation, he will never fall into suffering." Those monks listened carefully to that sermon. Many people understood that dharma according to their own wisdom. Some were sovan. Some became immortal. Some were progressive. Some were arrested.

"Brother... At that time, it was our Ananda who became the servant who combed my head. Rahula was the son to whom I entrusted the kingdom. "I was the king of Makhadeva," said the Blessed One at the end of this Jataka speech.

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