08. Gamini Jatakaya

 During Buddha's time, a certain young man from Sawat city used to go to Devrama to listen to sermons. He also had the desire to become a priest. Took permission from very tired parents. Gautama became a monk. He was ordained with a great hope in mind.


"I get lonely very quickly. Then I can also meditate in the shade of trees, in caves, near beautiful waterfalls. Meditation can be done. "I can make a difference" and fell into a beautiful dream.

This monk studied the Dhamma very diligently. He left to live in seclusion very happily with other monks. A very devout group built booths for them. This monk was alone in a room there. Walked alone. meditated. When the meditation starts, either one falls asleep. Or the mind is scattered in external purposes. Many minds are confused. The work is not as easy as he thought. After a while, this monk got tired of meditation. I was tired of living alone. Satipattana was also tired of growing up. Back to Jetavana himself. Lived in a normal way.

"Come, you went to the distant forest with great enthusiasm, didn't you? But it seems that the past work did not go well. What happened?"

“Oh dear… I tried too. I can't do this meditation. So I left this job. Why am I going to do heavy work?"

“And… and…. Don't say that again. Starting anything is difficult. Anything can go wrong when starting out. That is how he learns to do it properly again... And how much the Blessed One praises the efforts of a monk... and... then... so let's go to the Blessed One... We will inform him of this."

So the other monks took that Ukatali monk to the Blessed One even though he did not want to.

“Monk…. Why did you give up? Why not try for Satipattana?”

“O Lord… Blessed Ones, I have tried so hard. Now my head hurts too. The body also hurts. It is hard to even think about meditating.

"Monk... It is in this spirit that you are giving up a great profit for such a small thing. But how wise and how hard you worked in a previous soul... At that time you were the youngest son of the king of Varanasi. You had a hundred elder brother princes. Didn't you defeat all of them and become the king that day? What is this today?

Then the monks who were there appealed to the Blessed One.

“Lord…. Blessed Ones, we all know the story of this monk who has now given up his efforts. But we do not know the story of that prince told by the Blessed One. Oh, let us be told the story of the efforts of his previous soul, whom none of us have known so far!"

“Sir… this is how it happened. Long ago there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi. This king had a hundred sons and princes. The name of the last born son is Gamini.

At that time Bodhisattva was a teacher in Taxila. Prince Gamini studied under that Bosat teacher. Other princes studied arts with other teachers. Prince Gamini said to his courtier:

"Dr.... I have a hundred elder princes. It's hard to even imagine, let alone become a king."

“Prince… don't say that. If you follow the advice of the wise, if you are not impulsive, and if you are good at working strategically, you will be able to get what you want. If you are good at treating others with these four virtues of charity, kind words, good manners, and equality, even kingship is not too far away for you."

So Prince Gamini acted according to the advice of Dr. Bosat. The other princes who had learned the art went to visit Piyaraju. They went and requested each colony from Piyaraju and became their rulers. The elder princes addressed the younger prince.

"Malanda, now we all got a colony from Piyaraja. You also visit Piyaraju and ask for a colony to rule.”

Then Prince Gamini became silent. He informed his teacher about this. Then the doctor gave advice to the prince.

"Prince... don't go asking for colonies. Live close to the Father King. Treat the public with the four virtues. Win the hearts of merchants. Win the hearts of the harem dwellers. Love everyone”

So Prince Gamini obeyed the doctor's advice. They did not ask for a colony in the panic. He lived in the royal palace and helped everyone.

The king fell on his deathbed. He summoned the ministers.

“Ministers… send messages to my son princes. Tell Piyaraju that he is sick now"

“Gods… we want to know…. Who should inherit the kingship from you?"

"Ministers,... the eldest son gets the kingship everywhere. But I think that my youngest son should be the king after me. To Prince Gamini. Do you have any displeasure with Prince Gamini getting the kingship?"

"Gods... This is what we were thinking. Prince Gamini is fit for kingship in every way. All these ministers and citizens like Gamini Kumara.

So after the death of the king, Prince Gamini became the king. The treasure was distributed to the elder brother princes. All of them could do nothing but be happy for the youngest prince to be king. One day King Gamini was on the throne and said the following words of joy.

"He will never go wrong if he follows the advice of the wise. He can get what he wishes for. Gamini…. You also got all this because of the skillful advice of the doctor. So Gamini…. He defeated a hundred elder brothers and became the king because of your teacher. Your teacher is the real owner of this..." Happy to say. King Gamini ruled very righteously according to the advice of the teacher Bosath.

Gentlemen…. This monk was the king of Gamini at that time. I was the teacher who guided Prince Gamini to kingship. Now this soul tells me the way to nirvana. Now, monk, just as you did then, take courage in your heart and do not worry, cultivate patience and wisdom.

So the Blessed One preached the Fourfold Truth to that monk. At the end of that sermon, the monk, who had been sitting there until then, attained great arahat.

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