12. Nigrodhamiga Jatakaya

 Kumara Kassapayanu's mother was born into a wealthy family in Rajagaha. A very meritorious person in the distant world.

She was a person who had the great fortune to attain Puriniva in that spirit. Her Vidarshan wisdom practiced by Sasare was like a lamp burning inside a stone. She did not like to enjoy the comforts of a lay life. So she cried out to her parents and expressed her opinion.


"Mother, father... listen to what I say. I don't want to live a married life. I hate lust. Please... to me…. Allow me to become a monk in this noble Buddha order."

“Children…. What are you talking about? You are not the only owner of this wealth. We will never allow you to sew. So drop that idea…. We have arranged a task for you. He is a good and important Situ son.... When you get his loving kindness, those stupid ideas will disappear....''They married this girl.

She received great love and respect from her husband. Lived in obedience to the distant master. In those days, there was an auspicious festival in Rajagaha. Everyone was beautifully dressed. Wear precious jewelry. But this young wife was in Chang clothes. Then the husband asked:

“Honey…. You are different. Everyone is dressed nicely. Wearing jewelry. You….. why in this normal dress….”

"Oh my lord... I don't see anything special about this body being beautiful. Oh... I think we've been duped into thirty-two pieces of junk. This body is not made of gold, silver, pearls and gems. Excrement pours out from nine holes. The grave of the earth is just filling up. All troubles are due to this body. All sorrow. Every mourning. As long as there is desire, we have to enjoy and enjoy.

So thera, I understand well the suffering due to this body. The futility of lust is well understood. This is a great illusion, like decorating a time filled with excrement.

“Sweetheart… so amazing…. Don't you think like a nun? If you had that much understanding about life, why did you get involved in this lay life. It would have been wonderful, wouldn't it?

“True… I know…. Actually that was my only wish…..but…. I didn't get permission from my parents."

"That means…. If you get permission, will you sew even today?"

"Oh my God... it's true... If you give me permission, even today I would like to be freed from this worldly life.

Then the stepson felt very sorry for her. He thought it was a serious mistake to imprison an innocent woman who did not like lust and was seeking liberation in a secular life. So he looked for a nunnery to hand her over to. Got information about a monastery. But it is a bhikkhuni monastery under Devadatta. He did not have much understanding about this. He organized a great charity. Maha Peraharin gave his wife to the monks. She was ordained very happily. At that time, she had conceived a child in her womb because of her husband. But she did not know that.

After a while, the nun's stomach started to protrude. The elder monks questioned.

"Ladies... what's wrong with you? The belly is protruding like a pregnant woman, isn't it?"

"Oh lady... I don't know anything about this. I only know that my veil is very clean."

Then the other monks took that nun to Devadatta.

"Aryans, this bhikkhuni became a monk after making her husband happy with great difficulty. But now it seems that she is pregnant. We do not know whether this pregnancy of hers took place during the layman's time or during the priest's time. What do we do now?”

“Harpo…. This is a great disaster! A great passion fruit... Well... I also get angry at something that goes away.... and…. Get him out of the monastery immediately. Change your robes immediately”

Then those nuns took her to the monastery. Sivru ​​was ready to turn. She started crying. "O Lady... I sewed for Lord Buddha. Not for gods. Oh, I got this greatness very sadly.... Please don't turn away from me. Please take me to Jetavana to visit the Blessed One." Then those bhikkhunis accompanied her and came to Jetavana in Savat after covering a distance of forty-five miles. The Blessed One visited and complained about this matter.

Mahakarunika knows very well that that nun is a sylvati. It is also known that she was pregnant during her lay day. But it was decided that this should be judged according to the opinion of the common people. Accordingly, Pasenadi called King Kosol, Anepidu Situ, Visakha Mahopasika and other important people. Agra Upali Theru was entrusted with judgment among the four middle disciplined monks. Vishakha addressed Mahaopasika and said.

"Visakha, this novice nun has been ordained in the month of Asaval. Find out whether her pregnancy was after the ordination or before the ordination."

"Good, Lord," Visakha said, taking her to a place where she was surrounded by curtains and asked the matter carefully. It was confirmed that she has an ectopic pregnancy. Then Visakha went to Upali Therun and observed Ekaruna. Then the Lord judged the nun to be a pure and virtuous person in the midst of the group of four. She was very happy. Entered the Bhikshuni monastery in Andhavana. She soon gave birth to a great son.

One day, when King Kosol was passing by the Hermitage, he heard the sound of a baby crying.

“Ministers… I hear a baby crying. What is the point of a baby crying in the desert?"

The ministers went to the Hermitage. Ekaruna learned from the monks.

"Gods, the novice nun who was recently judged to be pure among the group of four gave birth to a son. It is the toddler who is crying."

“Friends… it is troublesome for monks to raise a child. We will deliver those babies."

So, by royal order, those children were taken into the care of Natak women. On the day of naming the baby, the name 'Kashyapa' was given.

He was brought up in the palace as a prince, so he got the name 'Kumara Kasyapa'. Kumara Kassapa became a monk at the age of seven. Vichitra became popular among the dharma-speaking monks. Mother Bhikkhuni and Rahat became a bhikkhuni. The monks talked about this in the Damsabha Mandapam.

"Young man, the great mercy of the Blessed One is amazing. Our Kumara Kassapayan's mother was married by mistake and not with the group of gods. That day, I had to go out without asking anything from her. The Blessed One gave a disciplinary judgment that no one could point a finger at. That's why mom was saved. The toddler also survived."

The Blessed One heard this story.

"Brother, I saved that mother and son not only in this spirit. I saved a soul before.”

Then the monks appealed to the Blessed One to tell them about that past event. On that occasion, the Blessed One said this Nigrodhamiga Jataka.

"Monks, a long time ago there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi. At that time, Mahabodhisattvas were born in Muwa Yoni. That bodhisattva shone golden when it came out of the deer's maw. The eyes were shining like sapphires. The antlers glittered with silver. It also had a beautiful tail like that of a deer. It had a big body like a big horse. Also got the name Nigrodha Muwa King. So this bodhisattva lived in the great forest with a herd of five hundred deer. In addition to that herd of deer, there was another herd of five hundred deer. Their leader deer's name is Sakha. That sakha deer is also golden in color.

At that time, the kings of Benares used to hunt deer. He does not eat rice without venison. The day-to-day activities of the Niamgam colonists were also disrupted due to this violence. Had to go deer hunting every day. Then the people spoke like this.

"Okay... It didn't work. Let's leave all our work and go hunting... Let's do this. Let's make a separate enclosure for the deer in the royal garden itself. Let's stop the deer in the forest . Let's build a fence around them, trap them and hand them over to the king.

The king also liked this idea. So those people planted the kind of grass that deer like to eat in the royal garden. Made a waterfall. Fenced around. After that, people took sticks and sticks and locked them in the forest to a size similar to that used to park the deer. Nigrodha muvaraju main deer herd and Sakha muvaraju main deer herd were in the middle of this. The deer got excited. But there is nothing to do. Fearing the deer, they trapped it and parked it in the royal garden. The gate was closed. The king was informed.

"Gods, do not persecute us now for deer hunting. We trapped the deer in the forest in the park . Now kill the deer and prepare the food.

The king was very happy. Went to the park to see the deer. Seeing the two big golden deers , he gave alms only to them. From then on, the king himself went and died by stabbing himself. On some days the cooks are sent to hunt. Deer get excited when they see bows and arrows. Struggling to escape. Then two or three people are attacked. getting injured getting sick Dying in vain. The group of deer gathered and offered this to the Bosat deer. Then Bosat called the Sakha deer. “Friend…. Many deer are dying now. After that, let's go to the Dangedi one by one and place the head. Let's alternate being one of my group one day and one of your group the next. Then many deer can be prevented from dying every day. He liked it too. Since then , the deer were not harmed. One died per day.

In the meantime, it was the turn of a certain pregnant deer who was in the Sakha deer's group. She went and explained this to Sakha Muwa.

“Sir, I am pregnant. Give me a chance until the baby is born. After that, the pup and I can go for two seasons. So, for now, make another mouth for my turn."

"What are you saying? It doesn't matter if there is a baby in the box. It's not his turn. "You are the fruit."

Then she cried and went to the deer. complained. "Good…. You don't want to go to Dangediya now. I will employ someone else." Bosat went to the deer himself. He went and held his neck.

The one who came to kill the deer saw the way the golden deer was holding its neck to Dangedi. He immediately went and reported this to the king. The king also came there quickly asking what is this.

"My friend Muwarajuni... Why is this...? I have not freed you from death! Why are you sticking your neck out here?"

"Gods... Today it is the turn of two pregnant deer. She wants to live until the baby speaks . Send another deer for her. So I can't let someone else die for her. That's why I came. Don't doubt it. "

"My dear father-in-law…. It is difficult to see such patience, kindness and compassion even among people. But there is great virtue in you brutes… my golden mourajo….. arise. I am now giving you and that pregnant mother abhya alms.

"Pinwat Maharajune, may you be blessed!.... But Gods, the rest of the deer also feel the fear of death. Those deer are also helpless. They are not lucky to live! May those deer get shelter from you!”

"My father... do not be sad. I can't ignore your request. All those deer can live freely from now on."

"And then the gods, the other four-legged... Are they not sorry? May the other four-legged ones also get your love!”

The king laughed loudly. Nigrodha brought his face closer to Muvaraja's face. Hugs with love. "Okay, okay... For your sake, I give refuge to all those four-legged animals."

"Gods... So will this idea of ​​mine also be fulfilled... I love my herd of deer as well as chickens, peacocks, ducks and all birds. I also love animals like fish and tortoises in these reservoirs. Lord God, may those helpless animals also receive the love I receive from you!”

The king was surprised. Instead of the smile that was there until then, tears fell from the eyes because of the extraordinary kindness in Muraju. The king cried and said:

“My golden deer king…. I love you and everyone else from today. I give refuge to all of them. Oh….. my golden trunk…. Advise me. I will do whatever you say."

"Gods, then... protect the parents, the couple, the Brahmin householders, the residents of Nigamajanapada through the Dharma itself. Do good to all . You will be blessed to go to heaven after death.

So the king accepted those warnings with the top of his head . The king is very happy. The herd of deer lived in that garden for a while. The king opened the gates of Muwa Koratua. The group of deer played freely and went to Mahawana. That pregnant deer gave birth to a very beautiful fawn. While the baby deer was playing, Sakha also went to the deer. Then the mother deer talks to the baby.

“Son…. Don't go near that deer. He doesn't love you. You go to Nigrodha Muraju. Because of him, we are living now" said this stanza.

"My son, keep Nigrodha Muvaraju company

Do not go to Sakha Mua, my son

For Prince Nigrodha

It's okay to die, son

You are near the deer

It doesn't matter if you live, son"

Monks, after that the herd of deer behaved as expected. They also jump to the fields during the harvest season. They are not afraid to see people. Not even running. Finally the people went and complained about this to the king.

“My beloved countrymen…. I made a promise to Nigrodha Muvaraju. Even if I leave the state, I will not break that promise.

Nigrodha Muvaraju got to hear this fact. He gathered the crowd. After this, it was forbidden to go to the fields to graze. People were also informed. The people were informed to plant a ritak in their fields for protection and make a sannyah with the leaves. When the people also came to the fields, they planted sticks and gave Sanjas with leaves. Since then, no field has suffered from deer. Everyone had a good time.

So monks, even today I helped that nun and Kumarakassapa. I helped that day too. Devadatta became Sakha that day. His group was the same as Devadatta's. It was that nun who became pregnant. Deer baby Kumarakassapa. Our Ananda became the king. It was not I who became Nigrodha Muraju.

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