25. Tittha Jatakaya

There was a son of a gold engraver in Savath. He also felt the desire to become a monk after hearing the Dhamma. Having received permission from his parents, he was fortunate enough to become a monk as a disciple of our Sariputta.


This novice monk is very virtuous. It is polite. Worth the effort. Our Lord Sariputta taught this new monk the Asubha Meditation, the first practice given to newly ordained monks. So this monk also accepted that advice with great faith and engaged in inauspicious meditation. Thirty-two rascals started meditating. Oh, can't aim for anything. The mind began to scatter faster than it was. Then this monk went and told our Dharma Commander about it. Our Lord Sariputta repeatedly explained the inauspicious purposes. Tried that meditation. This monk tried continuously. But even for a few moments, I could not concentrate my mind in the ominous meditation.

Then our Sariputta took his student monk and went to meet the Blessed One. The Blessed One said:

"Venerable Sariputta, you brought a monk, didn't you?"

"That's right, blessed ones, I continued to teach meditation to this monk. It has been four months now. The scattering of the mind increased, but the mind did not settle down. Then, Lord, I thought that this name must be someone who should be disciplined by the Blessed One himself. That's why it was brought."

"Sariputta... What meditation did you give to this student?"

"Blessed Lords, I continued to describe the inauspicious meditation."

"O Sariputta, he should be disciplined through Asayanusa's knowledge. Asayanusaya knowledge is not a disciple's knowledge. No problem, Sariputta, stop this name here. Can't you come and pick it up in the evening?"

Our Sariputta took the name of his student to the Blessed One and left after worshiping the Blessed One. The Blessed One gave the monk a new robe and a dresser to cover himself instead of the earthen robe he was wearing. Pray with the Blessed One. In the evening, the Blessed One took the monk along with him on the temple tour. A beautiful pond was created in a mango forest. That pond is a beautiful lotus lake. A large lotus was created in this lotus lake.

“Holy monk, now you sit here. The head of Ganda Kuti warned, "Look at this lotus well." So while that monk was looking at the lotus, his mind gradually agreed. There was joy and relief. Then the petals of that lotus started to fall apart little by little. Halen started taking pills. The lotus stamens shrank. withered away Then that monk thought like this. 'Ah... How beautiful this lotus was! After a while, all that changed. withered away The pills fell. Fucked up. This body is also like this. Looks are short lived. Slowly going to shit. While thinking that this is a dharma, the Blessed One spread a light and recited this verse.

Uchinda Sinehamattano – Kumudang Saradikan'wa Panina

Santimaggameva Brahaya – Nibbanam Sugathena Desithan

It is like hand-picking the white marigold flower that blooms in autumn

All the bonds within yourself - destroy them

Said by the Sugata – On that path that gives Ama nivan

Aim to improve

As soon as he heard this stanza, that monk became a Patisambhidalabi Maharahanthu. That day, the monks gathered at the Damsabha pavilion were talking about this wonderful event.

“Sambudhu's wisdom is wonderful, isn't it? Even though our Dharma Senadhipati warned for four months, that monk was unable to create a level of mental concentration. But Varu went. The Blessed One did not discipline until the noble result . Oh... Buddhahood is a great miracle”

Then the Blessed One went there and said. The monks informed the Blessed One about what they were talking about. The Blessed One said :  "Venerable monks, it is not surprising that a Tathagata can discipline someone with the knowledge of Asayanus , which is his power of knowledge. But even in the previous soul, I recognized the emotional nature of the animals."

Then they asked the Blessed One to tell them about how the monks used to work during the Bodhisattva stage in the past. The Blessed One said this Tittha Jataka. Tittha means Tirtha.

"Venerable monks, the other day a king named Brhadatta reigned in Benares. At that time, the great Bodhisattva, Brahmadatta, as the priestly minister of the king, was exhorting the dharma. One day, in the pond where the king's wedding horse was being bathed, a young wild asp was bathed. The wedding horse was taken there to be bathed. The wedding horse felt that a wild horse had come down there. He did not like to go to that wine port at all. The workers could not find out why the horse did not go down into the water. They went and informed the king. "Gods, today is not a good day. Our wedding horse will not go into the water.

Something has changed," the king addressed the Bodhisattvas. "Panditas, go to the wine-pit (Tittha). Go and find out what happened to our horse."

The Bodhisattvas went to the river and examined the horse for good. As far as I know, there are no symptoms. On the banks of the river, we saw the footpaths where another horse had gone into the water. Mm... It looks like another horse has taken a bath before. This horse hates going into the water, that's why he thought. The farmer was called and asked. "Emba man, did you bathe another horse here before you got this horse?"

"That's right, sir, a certain merchant was killed"

"that's it…. This wedding horse is so proud of himself that he is disgusted with the place where a younger horse is bathed. That's why I didn't like to talk here. Take it to another wine port. Then the horse will go down into the water from there. Bhavat Asgowva…. Even if it is milk rice with ghee and honey, you will get bored if you are going to drink it every day. Isn't this where the wedding guests take their bath every day? So take it somewhere else today. Take a bath from there. This stanza said, "Pan Povant from there".

“Take it to another wine port

Asu Navanu Asgowvo

If you eat milk regularly

Happens to a man too"

Asgowva understood this and took the wedding horse to another Pan port. The horse happily jumped into the water without any responsibility. Panut also drank. The king gave him gifts saying, 'Didn't the horse get cured after our scholars understood the horse's idea and dealt with it?' At that time, the wedding horse was this monk who was disciplined by me until the fruition. Our Anandas were the kings. This Tittha Jataka said that I was not the learned minister.

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