26. Mahilamukha Jatakaya

 In those days, our Blessed One was living in Veluvanarama in Rajagaha. At that time, Devadatta performed the miracle of Irdhi and enlightened the prince Ajasat. Prince Ajasat spent a lot of money and built a beautiful temple for Devadatta at Gaya Shirsha. Five hundred food bowls containing various delicacies were sent there every day. Due to the generous treatment given to Devadatta, his number also increased.


Meanwhile, two friends from Rajagaha were willing to become priests. One of them became a monk with our Blessed One. The other was in Gaya. It is not known that he went against Devadatta. He went and became a monk with Devadatta. These two friendly monks meet from time to time.

One day the monk who was with Devadatta said this to the other monk. “Hane…. Maybe... Why does Pindapate Karagan suffer so much after sweating every day? About Balanta Devadatta. Gaya is staying in the temple itself. Don't regularly eat delicious meals filled with various flavors. We are also very easy going. No problem. Oh dear... Why are you suffering? Just grow on that side…. If you go to the top in the morning, you can eat porridge. After that, you can also eat 18 drops of sweets. You can eat delicious meals in the afternoon.”

So the monk told him Vadine over and over again, so the monk who heard it also wanted to sing and sing Vadine. One day he left Veluwana early in the morning. Went to Devdat's temple. The story is true. Full of food and drinks. That day, I buried my money well and in the evening, I went to bed. This monk gradually got used to going to the head. But soon many monks heard about this monk's secret journey to Gaya Shirsha. His friend monks asked that monk about this. "Really... Do you mean to go and bury him in the shrine established in Devadatta's temple?" “Huh…. Who said that?" "Haven't you seen Asaval Asaval monks?" I will leave here in the morning. Come back in the evening" "True.... I went to the temple of Gaya and embraced it. I have a friend there. That's why he went. I have no relation with Devadatta. Besides, Devadatta did not give me alms there. People distributed donations to me."

"She's back... Don't you know, Devadatta is against the Blessed One. It's tough. Prince Ajasat was not enlightened by dharma. He has an ill-gotten gain. Is it right for you to go to an asatpurusha for a meal after being ordained in such a noble Buddha? "Let's go, let's go to visit the Blessed One," said the monk.

The Blessed One saw it and addressed the monks and said. "Venerable monk, why is this monk brought like this unwillingly?" "Blessed Lord, this monk is a monk with great faith in the Blessed One. Since recently, he has been secretly going to Devadatta's temple and burying his ungodly children." "Is it true, monk...? Do you bury the ungodly birth of Devadatta?” “Oh no, Lord…. Devadatta did not give me alms. People distributed gifts to me. And I am not someone who accepted Devadatta's opinion."

"But don't do that, monk. Even if you go there for food, it is wrong. Devadatta creates a lot of crises among the people. Then you can't stop others from doubting you too. You are the same as your previous self. "Gohin got into trouble to associate with those who saw him without understanding," he said. Then the monks asked the Blessed One to narrate the incident of that subjugation. The Blessed One said this jataka.

"Venerable monks, in the distant past, a king named Brahmadatta ruled the city of Benares. At that time, the Bodhisattva became a scholarly minister and advised those kings with the meaning of dharma. That Benares king had a very good wedding elephant named Mahilamukha. That elephant is very obedient. polite Didn't bother anyone.

One day, a group of thieves came to the side of the hall where Mahilamukha Atraja was tied. They sat not far from the elephant and talked about stealing. The leader thief warned the new thieves. "This…. You can't steal with good manners. Pets can't do that. Want to be fierce. Want to be evil. There should be no other quality. They want to kill anyone who comes near without any fear while committing a theft. You cannot steal by thinking. Remember that. Now leave that mercy. "Be good and evil." Mahilamukha Atraja, who was there, listened carefully. The elephant thought he was being advised. The next day the band of thieves gathered there. As before, they talked about theft. He taught how a thief must be fierce. The elephant thought he was giving advice. So the elephant took every advice to heart. After that , I thought I should follow those instructions.

Next morning the elephant came. Since he was a good elephant who had never troubled anyone , the elephant farmer went to the elephant without any fear as usual. The elephant was picked up by the trunk and killed by knocking the cowherd to the ground. The elephants coming there killed the farmer . Now nobody can match the elephant. He became a fierce elephant. The servants immediately went and informed the king.

"O Gods, that Mahilamukha Atraja, who was with us, has suddenly gone mad. Being in a very dangerous situation, no one can approach. Anyone who comes near will be killed."

Then the king sent minister Bosat to Mahilamukha Athraja to look into this matter immediately. Bodhisattvas went there and examined very carefully. There is no sign that the elephant has contracted a disease. Mm... As far as you know, the elephant does not have any disease. Looks like someone got the wrong advice. That's why the elephant got spoiled,'' he asked the elephant herders who were around. "Did someone come near where this elephant was tied and chat?" “That's right, Lord…. A bunch of boys came and sat there night after night talking for several days. After that, the elephant got spoiled." "Then Nitchi must have said those words to be a thief. Bosath informed Minister Rajjuruwan that this incident happened to the elephant after listening to their story. "Lord God, the elephant is not sick. Stealing after listening to bad rumors. The elephant has been deceived into thinking that they are being taught and that is why it has become evil. Now you have to do it. Virtuous Brahmins sit on the border within earshot of the elephant and pick up good things. Then it will be alright."

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