27. Abhinha Jatakaya

 At that time, our Blessed One was living in Jetavana in Sawat. At that time there were two old worshiper friends in Sawat. One of them became a monk with the Blessed One. Lived in Jetavana. Now this old priest is cultivating the rice fields in Sawat. Dane takes the bowl and goes straight to the old friend's house. That friend also prepares something for his beloved monk. That friend presents that alms to his beloved monk. Then he eats himself. When the monk went to the temple, the friend also went with him. Betel nut is supplied to the booth. Allapa is engaged in sallapa until well into the evening. As the night approaches, the worshiper leaves for his home. The old monk also takes him back to Gohin way. The other monks also came to know about the close friendship of these two old men. The monks gathered in the Damsabha pavilion were talking about this. More than that, the Blessed One said:


"Venerable monk, the friendship between you two is not only in this spirit. The previous self is also like you. The two cannot separate the two" Then the monks asked the Blessed One to tell the story of the previous soul about the wonderful friendship of these two. The Blessed One said this Abhinha Jataka. Abhinha means saying often.

"Venerable monks, in the distant past, a king named Brahmadatta ruled the city of Varanasi. At that time, Bodhisattva was a minister of that king. In those days, one puppy used to come to the hall where the king's wedding hands were tied. He came and got used to the ears of rice falling from the rice given to the elephant. Little by little this dog got used to the elephant. Later they became very friendly. Now both of them are mango friends. Eating rice in the same bowl. After a while, the two became too close to live separately. The dog is playing with the trunk of the elephant. This puppy is cute too. One day a village man walked and paid the elephant farmer and took the puppy to his village.

Since that day, the elephant changed because his beloved puppy was nowhere to be seen. The elephant looked everywhere for the puppy. Nowhere to be seen. Like anxiety for an elephant. Now they don't even eat elephants. I don't even drink. No bathing. Hulla Hulla is there. The servants went and reported this to the king. The king sent minister Bosat to look into this matter. "Panditas, go and see. Our brother is very sick. Without food or drink, they are waiting in the hands of those who have taken care of them.

Minister Bosat went and examined the elephant. There is no known illness. The elephant spoke to the farmer. “Mba Purusha…. There is no sign that this elephant is suffering from any disease. It can be seen that this elephant is in deep sorrow. Was this elephant in close friendship with anyone?” "That's right sir... Can't wait to see how wonderful the two were. A wonderful dog cook used to live here. The two were having a lot of fun. A man took that puppy home. That's when he changed." "Now where is that puppy dog?" "I don't know, my lord," the Bodhisattvas went to the king and explained the matter and said this stanza.

"Athraja does not eat rice

No grazing, no bathing

Fell in love with the dog

Now you can't see it

That's why he's so upset."

Then the king asked the minister: "Panditas, what do we do now? Anyway, we need to save our elephant community.

“Gods, there is only one thing to do now. 'A certain man has taken Balukukka, the courtier of our Mangala Hasthirajaya, and is going. If that puppy is seen in someone's house, he will have to suffer these punishments. To avoid it, the puppy should be immediately brought back to where it was before , ' said Adabera.

Then the king beat the drum. the man who took the puppy was very scared. . The puppy was brought secretly and kept at a distance . Then the puppy picked up a hill and ran to find the elephant . The elephant hugged the trunk and started licking it. The elephant took the puppy from the trunk and kept it on the elephant trunk and started dancing. Rolled over with happiness. shed tears He took it down from the elephant and first gave it to the dog. Then the elephant ate . The king is very happy that Athraja has recovered . The kings were pleased with the minister's ability to understand even the thoughts of beasts and gave him many gifts.

"Reverend monks, the faith of these two comes from the previous soul in that way. That old monk was the elephant. The puppy became that worshipper. I was the minister ," said the Blessed One.

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