32. Naccha Jatakaya

 There was a monk who collected many robes during the days of our Blessed Lord's stay in Savatnuwara Jetavana. The monks explained that it is not good to have more robes than you need. But this versatile monk did not listen to anyone. Then the monks mentioned this matter to the Blessed One. The Blessed One called that monk.


"Is it true, Bhikkhu, that he has collected many robes and is versatile?"

"That's right, Lord"

"What is the reason for gathering more robes than one needs?"

That's all I heard. That old monk was very angry.

“Haha… then…. Is this what you call me?" He tore the robes and clothes in front of the Blessed One. stood naked. The devotees sitting there covered their faces with their hands saying Chi Chi. He quickly left naked. Became a layman. Monks were chatting in the Damsabha Mandapa about the disaster they had done because of their pride despite being ordained as a monk in a noble Buddhist order.

"Happe avetni... It's not surprising. How to have no shame or fear. Didn't they take off their robes in front of the Blessed One? There is no guarantee that there were four people there….. Huppe…. Our body went numb. People can't even do this."

Then the Blessed One went there and said, "Venerable monk, what were you talking about?" He asked and said.

"O blessed Lord, we were talking about the one who took off those robes and left here naked and returned to lay life."

"Monks, that monk had a bad habit. This is not the only thing that went wrong in the soul. By doing the same, the previous soul also received many blessings.

Then the monks asked the Blessed One to tell the story of the past. The Blessed One called this Naccha Jataka Jataka. Nachcha means dancing.

"Venerable monk, in the very distant past, the four-legged lion was made his king. The fish made Ananda the fish their king. The birds made the golden swan their king.

That golden swan king had a very beautiful daughter, a swan chick. Hansaraja gave a boon to his daughter. So she got the opportunity to choose a master of her choice. All the birds were invited to their daughter's Swayamvara feast. Many kinds of birds like swans  and peacocks came and gathered on a big rock.

Daughter... All the required birds have arrived. Now you have the opportunity to choose anyone you want as your husband.

So she walked back and forth beautifully on the rock and looked at the shape of the birds. Then I saw a peacock with a very long beautiful feather and a neck shining like sapphire. She went and said this to Hansaraja.

Father…. I like that... that... beautiful peacock. Hansaraja was happy with that. Then the flock of birds surrounded the peacock.

“Dude…. Very wonderful…. Hansarajadiyaniya did not choose you as her desired lord from among so many birds. Here's our best wishes…!”

Then the peacock became very proud. 'They haven't seen my true form yet,' Phil showed his portfolio in the middle of the crowd. Started spinning and dancing. Then everyone started to see the back of the peacock. Seeing this, Swarna Hansaraja was very ashamed.

“Chi…. Meka has no shame in showing her hidden places. There is no fear of what outsiders will think. Who cares about this? This guy doesn't have any girls here..." He said this stanza in the middle of the crowd of birds.

It is melodious by ringing

The exterior is colorful

The neck is like a glass measure

It is only a bomb

Dancing without any shame

You two don't have a daughter here..."

Then all the birds started insulting the peacock. Started teasing. Monara quickly took away the pill portfolio. Flew away. The swan king gave his daughter to a swan who was the son of his sister in the crowd.

Gentlemen…. Not only now. The previous self also lost what it should have received. The noble Buddha order of this soul was lost. That day, the peacock was the multi-talented monk. I was the Hansaraja," said this Naccha Jataka Jataka.

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