50. Chetiya Jatakaya

 In those days, our Blessed One was working, living and speaking in Jetavana, Sawat city. That was the day when Devadatta fled the earth and was born in Gohin hell. On that day, the people of the entire city of Sawat were deeply moved by the terrible fate of the evil men. Even the monks gathered in the Damsabha Mandapa talked about Devadatta who fell victim to this terrible fate.


"You have to see... Until this god was there, he lived by lying and deceiving others. He lied as long as he told. So... wait... What did you do? He didn't go to hell and stopped. Hey there... The dire consequences of lying are unimaginable.

At that time, our Blessed One visited the Damsabha Mandapam and said. The monks were concerned about what they were talking about. The Blessed One said,

"No sir... It is not only in this soul that God Datta was lying in hell knowingly. Before this , even a soul had lied and fled the earth in the same way and was born in hell!" He narrated this past story.

"Monks, long ago there lived a king in the first kalpa of the past by the name of Maha Normada. At that time, those kings had countless lives. The king's son was called Roja. King Roja's son was Vararoja. His son was Kalyana. King Kalyana's son was Varakalyana. Uposatha was the son of Varakalyana. Uposatha's son was Maha Mandhatu. King Mandhatu's son was Vara Mandhatu. His son was named Vara. Vara's son was named Upavara. He is also called Apara.

So these immortal kings reigned in the city of Sottivati ​​in the country called Chetiya. He is also called Chetiya King. These kings had four special irdhis. He can go through the sky. Also, four sons of God who took swords to protect him appeared in the four directions. And his body smelled of sandalwood. His mouth smelled of lotus flowers.

He had a Brahmin priest named Kapila. This Kapila Brahmin had a younger brother named Korakalamba. This Korakalamba Chetiya is ruled by a friend. The two of them studied the art at the teacher's house together. Mangoes are like friends. So you two said that when Chetiya and Korakalamba were friends, Chetiya Kumarya said this.

“Friend…. I think it is better to give you the position of priest as soon as you became king. Vara Rajjuruo, the father of the Chetiya prince, passed away. But Kapila could not remove the Brahmin from the post of priest. When Kapila Purohita came to Rajopasthana, the Chetiya kings saw Garu Saru because of their respect for the priest. Then the Brahmin Kapila thought like this. 'Mm... these kings are still young. If there is a Brahmin priest of the same age as him, he will deal with me more easily than with me. Therefore, one day Kapila Brahmin went to visit King Chetiya and said, 'It is better to become a monk.'

"Your Highness, I am not old now. My idea is to leave the lay house and enter the priesthood. My son, the Brahmin prince, is studying arts and crafts as well as I am. I can do that in my case. So give my son the priesthood. I will become a priest.” and established his son in the position of priest. After being established, he went to Hitang Raja Park and was ordained as a sage. Within a short time, Dhyana Abhijna was born. Tamunne was living in the royal garden receiving bail from the priestly Brahmin.

Korakalamba Brahmin is younger than Kapila Brahmin. But Kapila was angry that the Brahmin did not grant him the priesthood. 'Haha... Then this priest Thanantare ran away without giving me and became a monk in Gohin...!' One day the Korakalamba Brahmin went to the royal palace and was having a happy conversation with the Chetiya kings. The king asked:

"or a…. Friend Korakalamba…. Aren't you looking after Purohita Thanantare's work now?"

"That's right, Gods, I won't bother them now. Why are they lame and not our brothers."

"not…. Didn't your brother-in-law, Kapila the Brahmin, get ordained as an old man?"

"Haha... I mean... that's how he was ordained. But they didn't care that I was there. The priest Thanantare gave it to his son.

"So you can't claim priesthood if you don't have Kapila Brahmin."

"This is Gods... It is not a title that comes down to the lineage of that priest Thanantare. Then if the elder brother is excluded, I have no way to exclude him. The next one should be appointed and not the elder brother Kapila Brahmin.”

“Oh…. How is that? I can't make you the elder brother. I will make Kapila Brahmin your younger brother. Then the cry is not right. Then you are the priest that…!”

"How is that, gods, limping like that?"

“Yes…. I can do it to see if it's a lie."

"O Gods, you do not know about my brother Kapila Brahmin. It is composed of great mystical doctrines. A scientist. You will make those sons of God who are in your service disappear because you are trying to deceive him with a false lie. Without the sweet fragrance that spreads from your body and mouth, you will make your body smell bad. You will not be able to work there. The floor will be leveled. Things will happen as if you are running away from the earth. Then you won't be able to stay in the lying story."

“Hahaha…. Korakalamba, don't say that. If you want to see, then I'll do that job and show you."

"Then, Gods, when will that lie be done?"

“Mm…. Yes…. On the seventh day of this…. Not right…!”

The conversation of these two spread throughout the city. People were surprised. “Hey…. The kid knows. Oh, our king is telling a strange story that it is a lie. It made the elder look younger. By making the younger one the elder one, the Thanantare that comes from the Hitang generation gave the ears to the younger one.... Huh…. Bole…. What are you lying about? Is that blue? Or a color like yellow or red? For now... We have not heard for a long time that what kind of nation is called Novei Musavada.

Monks, at that time there was only truth-telling in the world. Therefore, the public did not even know what lies are. The priest son of Kapila Brahmin also heard this news. He went to the garden and told his father Kapila Rishi about this. "Father, if our kings have done something that is a lie, they are making you younger. After that, I'm going to give my Korakalamba little uncle the priest Thanantare that you gave me."

“Whoah…. Whoah…. or a…. The son... But for the king, there is no way to give his heart to our hereditary Thanantare Korakalamba, even if he lies. Mm… then…. You... The lie is... When?”

"In seven days the kings will do it."

“Okay son…. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Let me know by then."

On the seventh day, the palace was filled with people who came to see the lie of our king. He stood on top of the beds and watched. The priest's son went and informed his father Tausa too.

The kings dressed in beautiful regalia came out of the palace and stood in the sky above the palace. Just then Kapila the Brahmin ascetic also walked in the sky and spread the sheet of the sky in front of the Chetiya kings and sat on it. The king was asked this.

“Maharaja, is this story true? Are you saying that you have lied and made a younger person the elder one and are going to give the position of the elder generation to a younger one?"

"That's right, professors... I said such a thing."

"Your Majesty, lying is a very dangerous thing. It destroys human virtues. After death the four hells are dragged to birth. Your Majesty, if someone tells a lie, he is a destroyer of Dharma. First he destroys the Dharma and secondly he destroys himself." Said these verses.

Absolutely true doctrine - perishes by telling lies

The virtues of treating the elderly are destroyed by that lie

The doctrine of telling the truth - if one does not kill

Nothing of his will be lost in the world

Do not dharma vanasan! - Don't kill yourself by killing the religion!

If the truth appears - someone is lying

God forsakes him

From the mouth of a liar

If there is a disgusting smell, it will blow

To stay in his proper place

Lying is impossible

After hearing the verses of Kapila Brahmin, the king got scared. His eyes widened and looked at Korakalamba. "No, Your Majesty, you remember I told you about our brothers. That's why you say things like that. So don't be afraid of anything."

Then the king took forward the same point he had said before. “Okay…. Now I am issuing the statement of this House. Kapila Brahmin, you are a junior. Korakalamba is the oldest senior!”

Just told this lie, immediately 'Hapo.... We will not accept the role of such a liar,' the four sons of God left their swords and disappeared. The king's mouth started to smell like a broken egg. The body smelled as if the door of a toilet had been opened. In the sky, it was lost. He fell and stood on the ground. Irdhi deteriorated in every way.

Then Kapila Thapasinnanse said: "Your Highness, do not be afraid. Tell the truth that you know very well as the truth. If you tell the truth like that again, I will make all these things remain as they were," said this stanza.

Even now, Your Majesty - tell the well-known truth in the same way

Tell the truth and get back everything you had before

But if the king lies any more

You must continue to be on earth

"Look, Your Highness, what happened to you aspanapita. Just by telling a lie, you lost all the four irdhis you had. Think a little, my lord, if you tell the truth, you can recover what you lost even now."

"No... No... Kapila, as Korakalamba said, you are the one who is talking to me like that to cheat me. Therefore, I have said this statement for the second time. Kapila Purohita, you are too young! A junior! Korakalamba is the oldest senior!”

Just then Chetiya Rajjuruwana's feet sank into the ground. Kapila spoke again while the Brahmin was still in the sky. "Maharaja, please consider what you are saying once again." said these stanzas.

From the ruler of a certain country - when asked the truth known to everyone

If he answers it - with a false lie

It rains in that country - only premature rain

Appropriately - If it rains, it will not rain in that country

Then the king, as before, made Kapila the Brahmin the youngest and Korakalamba the elder, and proclaimed it for the third time. Immediately, the king sank into the ground until he reached Kenda.

"King, please reconsider what you are saying," Kapila Brahmin said this stanza.

Chetiya Maharajune - if you are telling the truth

Everything as before - is available again

And if you lie, you will go into the earth

Then the king said: "not…. no no…. Kapila Brahmin, you are the youngest. Junior himself. Korakalamba is the elder. He is the senior." Immediately the king sank to the ground up to his knees. "Bhavat Maharajuni, please consider what you are saying once more," Kapila Brahmin said these verses.

Ask Your Majesty – When one asks about the known truth

If the other person lies to him - the consequences are dire

Like a snake's tongue - his tongue splits into two

Chetiya Maharajune - if you are telling the truth

Everything as before - is available again

If you lie further, you will sink further into the earth

Then the king said as before, "No... no no…. Kapila Brahmin, you are the youngest. Junior himself. Korakalamba is the elder. He is the senior." At once the kings sank into the earth up to their thighs. "Bhavat Maharajuni, at this time consider again what you are saying," Kapila Brahmin said these stanzas.

Ask Your Majesty – When one asks about the known truth

If the other person lies to him - the consequences are dire

Just like a fish has no tongue - he also loses his tongue

Chetiya Maharajune - if you are telling the truth

Everything as before - is available again

If you lie further, you will sink further into the earth

Then the king knowingly made Kapila the Brahmin junior. His younger brother was made senior. Instantly he sank into the earth up to his navel. Kapila Brahmin repeatedly asked him to reconsider what he was saying. These stanzas were also said.

Ask Your Majesty – When one asks about the known truth

If the other person lies to him - the consequences are dire

Only girls are born because of him

No male children are born because of him

Even now, Chetiya Maharajune

Tell the truth that you know well

Reclaim everything that was true

But the king is telling lies

Sinking further into the earth

Despite saying this, the Chetiya kings did not listen to Kapila Brahmin. He arrogantly published the same lie as before. Then he sank into the ground up to his chest. Kapila Brahmin once again asked the king to reconsider what he said. These stanzas also said so.

Your Majesty, listen to this

When one hears the truth that one knows very well

If what he is saying is not the truth but a lie - the consequences are dire

They do not have children

Even the children are leaving themselves

Even now, Chetiya Maharajune

Tell the truth that you know well

Reclaim everything that was true

But the king is telling lies

Sinking further into the earth

The Chetiya kings did not listen to Kapila Brahmin. Because of the mistake of associating with a sinful person named Korakalamba, he told the same lie for the seventh time. Then the earth opened. He was engulfed by the flames that suddenly rose up. At the same time, he was dragged under and born in hell.

The Blessed One said these stanzas.

Venerables, that Chetiya king - used to enjoy traveling in the sky

Kapila sprinkled - the kingship that came to him was abyssed

Because of telling lies – he was degraded to the extreme

The earth opened and he was lost to Hell

Therefore, the wise people of the world are delusional

If you go from prejudice to prejudice - you will never be satisfied

Without corrupting his heart - very sweet and good

True words should be said at the right time

After that, monks, the public was very scared. “Huh…. These Chetiya kings have offended our pride and lied and gone to great harm, didn't they?'' King Chetiya had five sons. All the five came running to Kapila Brahmin. Kapila bowed down at the feet of the Brahmin, saying, "Oh, dear ones, help us." Kapila Ishiwaya said:

"Children, your father lied and died because of Dharma! The sprayer was also attacked. When the Dharma dies, you also die. Now you are not allowed to live in this city of Sottivati," he said to the eldest son of all of them.

"Children, come here... you leave the east gate and go straight. Then you will see a pure and white elephant king sitting on the ground with four legs, trunk, tail, male symbol, and that is where you should build your city. That country will be known as Hastipura."

Then the second son was called. “Children…. You leave from the south entrance and go directly. Then you will see a lonely smooth horse somewhere. Build your city there. That city will be known as Assapura.”

The third called and said: “Son, here Vareng…. Now you need to leave through the west gate. Leave and go alone. Then at some point Kesara will be seen as a Sinharaja. That is your place. Build the city there. That city will be known as Sinhapura.”

Then called the fourth. "Here children... You leave the north gate and go straight. Somewhere you will see a carriage with wheels made of single gold. That's where you have to build the city. It will be known as Panchal Rata.”

Finally called the fifth. "Children... you too are not allowed to stay in this city of Sottivati. You build a big pagoda in this city. After that, leave the northwest direction and go straight. Then at a certain place you will see the sound of two big rocks hitting each other. Build your city there. That city will be known as Daddarapuraya.”

Then, monks, those sons and daughters worshiped Kapila Isivarya and built cities in those places, just as he had said.

Monks, Devadatta lied and fled the earth not only in this spirit. Monks, even though the Brahmin Kapila tried his best to stop him, Devadatta became the Chetiya king born in hell after telling the lie he imagined. "I was the Kapila Brahmin that day," said the Blessed One after completing this jataka.

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