31. Kulawaka Jathakaya

 In those days, our Blessed One was living in Jetavanya in Sawat. A certain two monks left Savat and went to another colony. Lived comfortably in a convenient place. They said, 'Let's see the Blessed One and go to the south. One person had a filter in his hand. The other name is not available. That's why when both of them drank the tea , they strained the tea through the filter . One day there was an argument between them. That's why the two of them stopped talking. Then the name of the perehankada filtered the beer alone. The other name didn't seem right to Pan Peragan. Due to the inability to tolerate thirst, he had to drink without straining through a filter. So both of them came to Jetavana respectively and worshiped the Blessed One. The Blessed One heard their happiness and said.


"Brother, where did you come from...?"

“Lord…. We lived in a certain village in Kosol Colony. We left there and came to visit the Blessed One."

"So... are the two of you compatible?"

“Oh Lord…. On the way, this monk got into an argument with me. After that, they did not give me a filter for drinking water."

“Lord…. This monk does not have a filter. "Knowingly ingested food containing small animals"

"Surely, the monk, did you knowingly drink the wine with the small animals in it?"

"That's right, Lord, I had to drink unfiltered coffee because there was no filter."

“Monk…. When the sages in the past were ruling the divine city, when they lost the war and fled over the sea, did not they abandon the great saying that animals cannot be destroyed because of the evil, gave shelter to the baby turtles and turned the chariot back?

Then the monks asked the Blessed One to tell the wonderful story. The Blessed One spoke of the Jataka of this caste.

Venerable monks, a long time ago, a king named Magadha reigned in Rajagaha city of Magadha country. At this time, King Sakdev, who holds the title of Shakra, was born in the village of Machala in the country of Magadha in his previous life. In the same way, the Bodhisattva was born as a son of a very important family in that Machala village. On the day of naming, he got the name 'Magha Kumaraya'. After he was young, he became known as 'Magha Manavaka'. His parents brought in a girl from a family of the same race. The sons and daughters of this great man were also adopted and given away and lived well. Regular penance. There were thirty families in that village.

One day people from all those thirty families came to the center of the village and were working in the village. The Bodhisattvas had prepared their place in a beautiful manner and stood there. Then someone else came and took it from there. The Bodhisattvas gave it to him and went to another place . Went there and cleaned it well. Another person came and stood there. The Bodhisattva gave it to him. In that way , the bodhisattvas came one by one to the place where they were making beautiful creations, so they gave them all. The Bodhisattvas recently built a beautiful pavilion there. Later , the pavilion was removed and a sala was made. Seats were made from planks to sit there. There was a plate of coffee. Over time, people from all thirty families joined the Bodhisattva's idea. Then the Bodhisattvas made all of them wise in penance. Everyone started to pray together.

They all woke up early in the morning. They joined with the Bodhisattvas, took axes, axes, etc. and removed the stones that were obstructing the highway. The trees that could hit the wheels of the carts were removed. Walagodali was skinned. Bridges were built in some places. Ponds were built. Sala was built. Donated. Sil Rakka. In this way, everyone in the village worked together with the Bodhisattvas.

This became a problem for the village chief who collects taxes from the people of that village. He thought like this. "This is not a good job... In the past, people in this village were addicted to alcohol. The animals went hunting. As a punishment for them, I received a reprimand. Got yellow. Received other gifts. A person named Magha came and did not allow them to do a hunt saying that they wanted the sila guards. "Well, I will save them penance," he said. The king visited and said many things against them. "Gods... There has been a great destruction. There is no way to do anything because a band of thieves has formed in Machala village. Deforestation of villages. Ancient customs and dharma vanasanava. One person named Magha is the root of this problem.

The king believed the word of the village chief. He ordered to 'take them away'. Then the head of the village started and brought everyone in handcuffs.

"Gods... Maine is there…. Thieves who destroy the country"

“And… is that…. Then they should be trampled to death by the king of elephants.

Everyone was taken to the royal yard and laid on the ground. The Bodhisattva warned his people. "Let no one have an evil heart. They should think carefully about the precepts they have protected so far. Similarly, we should have the same compassion for the village chief who has spoken falsely against us, for the kings, for the elephant that comes to Pagan, and for our own body.

The elephant was just brought to trample them. It didn't even come close. Maralathoni screamed and ran away. Even though more and more things were brought, they also shouted and ran away. The king said:

"They have a powerful medicine in their hands. Go and take care of it." Then the servants checked everyone's hands.

"No... Gods, they have nothing in their hands"

"Then they must be casting a powerful spell. Listen and see." Then the Rajapurusha asked, "You are casting spells, aren't you?" The Bodhisattvas said, 'Yes dear, we have mantras'. Then the king ordered them all to come. 'Okay... now tell me... what did you choose?'

The bodhisattvas replied. "Gods, we don't have a special spell. These thirty of us do not kill animals. Do not steal. Do not behave in the wrong way. Don't even lie. I don't even drink alcohol. We do Maitri meditation, giving alms, making man mawat beautiful, building water ponds, building salas, etc. That is our mantra, our security, our progress."

“Oh or…. Then they said, "Isn't this Muladeniya, who made you as a thief and killed them, not worth it?" He handed over all the property of the Muladeniya to the village of Machala and made him their slave. Even though they were brought to Maraman, that Machala village was also freed from taxes and given to them.

From then on, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Bas Unnehela was called and started to make a big sala at Sataraman junction. Because women do not have much interest in this work, women were not given parts in it.

At that time there were four wives named Sudharma, Chitra, Nanda and Sujata in the house of Magha Manavaka. Among them, 'Sudharma' secretly chatted with Basunnehe. "Iyandi, I want to have a headship in that hall. Therefore, they bribed him saying, "Don't give the pebbles to anyone else but give them to me." He said that it was good , first he cut the trees for the pebbles, dried them, made them into pebbles and wrapped them in a cloth. Silently went to the living room. The roof needed a shingle. Basunnehe said this.

“Oh…. Dear…. Didn't forget one"

"what is that?"

"Why don't you need a pebble now?"

"Yes, let's get it."

"You can't make gravel from cut trees now. First, the tree is cut, dried, pounded and taken into pebbles.

"So what do we do now?"

"Let's find a place where there is always a pebble in a house somewhere"

So when they were looking for a pebble, Sudharma's house had it. But she didn't buy it. He said, 'From now on, I will only give Salah if he makes me a shareholder.' 'Huh... Didn't we come to a decision earlier that women will not participate in this wedding?

Then Basunnehe said this. 'O dear one, where else are there no women except in the world of Brahma? That village of Kanimadala. We don't want to finish what we started.

Then they installed the pebbles and finished the work in the hall. Placed the seats. Panthali was placed. Put porridge rice. A wall was built around the hall. A door was installed to enter. Sand in the courtyard. A row of palm trees was planted in the courtyard.

Chitra created a beautiful garden at that place. It is impossible to say that there are no fruits in that garden full of flowers.

Nanda prepared a beautiful pond there. In that pond there was a pond with colored soil. It was a very beautiful pond.

Sujata did nothing. The bodhisattvas completed the seven vows of caring for parents, caring for the elders of the family, speaking the true words, speaking the sweet words, speaking the words that create harmony, avoiding stinginess, and not being angry.

In this way, after living a life worthy of the praise of sages, he was born in Tavtisa Bhavane, under the title of Shakra Devendra. All the friends of a great man were born there. At that time, Asuras lived in Tavtisa Bhavan. Sakdevindu made the asuras drink the divine drink to see what kind of kingdom they would make by joining them. After they were well drunk, they grabbed Sineru by the legs and threw him down the cliff. Then they came to Asura Bhavan itself. The asura world is in the lower level of Sineru Parvata. As big as the heavens. Just like there is Parasathu Ruka in Tautisa, there is a Ruka in the asura world called Chittapatali which lasts for a lifetime. When the Asuras regained consciousness, they saw that the Chittapatali tree had blossomed. 'Hey... Isn't this the divine world we were in? The heaven we were in was not Parasathumal... oh ho... Then this Para Shakraya took our divine city by giving us drink and making us drunk and throwing us over the sea.

The Asuras spoke thus. “Let us go to battle with Shakraya. " Let's go back to our god city ," said Sineru, walking around the rock like a swarm of ants climbing a pole. Then Sakdevindu went to war on the sea, thinking that the asuras had not risen, and lost in that war. Yojana started fleeing from the surface of the South Sea in Vaijayantha chariot which was about one hundred and five pansas long. As the car was speeding over the sea and entering the Himbul forest, the trees of the Himbul forest started falling into the sea like a palm forest. The turtles falling into the sea screamed loudly. Then Sak Devidu called Matali.

“Comrade Matali, what is that sound? It is like shouting with a loud noise."

"O Lord of Gods, when the Himbul forest is falling at the speed of your chariot, it is the sound of the baby turtles falling into the sea wailing in fear of death."

Then Bosat Sakdevindu said to Matali: "Comrade Matali, don't let these animals suffer because of us. We do not kill animals to save natural resources. We give life to the Asuras to save these animals. Stop that car now," said this stanza.

In Himbulwane there are Matali Gurulu chicks

To prevent them from getting hit by the car

Excluded by vehicle

We will sacrifice our lives to the asuras

Don't let the baby be in trouble...!"

After hearing the words of Sak Devidudu, Matali stopped the car. He turned the car towards heaven to go another way. When the chariot stopped, the Asuras thought like this. 'Surely it's like the energy is coming from other sacs. They got the power and turned the car towards us.' Asura fled to Bhavan himself. Sakdevindun entered Devanagara. They stood in the middle of the city accompanied by the deities of the divine worlds of Chatummaharajika and Tavathinsa. Immediately, the ground broke and the Vaijayantha Prasad, a thousand yodans high, emerged. The name 'Vaijayantha Prasada' came about because of the Prasad that rose up after the victory of Sakdevindu. Then the Bodhisattva Shaka placed guards in five places so that the Asuras could not enter the Tautisa.

Because they made arrangements to prevent war between the city of Deva and the city of Asura, those two cities got the name 'Ayuddhapurayo' meaning 'Purayo who do not fight'. At some point the asuras will become powerful, then the gods will flee and enter the city of gods and close the gate, even if a hundred thousand asuras come, they will not be able to do anything. At some point the gods will become powerful, then the asuras will rush to the asura city and close the gates, even if a hundred thousand Shakras come, they will be unable to do anything. That is why these cities got the name 'Ayudhapurayo'. Between these two cities, Bosat Sak Devidu placed shelters at five places from the Nagadis.

The power of cobras is in water. That is why the first porch of Sineru Parvata is protected from snakes. The guards of the second porch of Sineru Parvata are made of Gurulan. There is a dangerous monster race called Kumbhanda. The walls of the third hall of Sineru Parvata are made of pottery. Next are the demons. They are ready to fight. The fourth hall is guarded by demons. The fifth floor of Sineru Parvata is covered with tiles from four Maharajas. Therefore, even if the asuras leave to go to the city of Deva with a troubled mind, it is not easy to go there surrounded by five protections. In the first instance, the Nagas exclude them.

So in this way, while Sakra Devendra was eating the divine resources in five places, Sudharma became the wife of Sakdevindu and was born in the human world. Due to the blessings given by the pebbles, the goddess Sudharma, five hundred yodan long, appeared. In that hall, Sakdevindu, who is sitting on the golden seat of the size of a Yoduna under the Divine Sesatha, looks after all the activities of the gods and men. Chitra became the wife of Sakdevindu and was born in Tavtisa. Thanks to her gardening, the most beautiful garden called 'Chitralatha' came into being.

Nanda became the wife of Sakdevindu and was born in Tautisa. A beautiful pond named Nanda appeared after the pond was made.

Sujata did not earn any merit. She died and was born as a kekiniya near a waterfall in the forest. Sakdevindu inquired as follows. "Sujatha is not visible in heaven. Where was she born? Then Sakdevindu brought Kekiniya to heaven. Showed the beautiful Deva city, Sudharma Divya Sabha, Chitralata forest, Nanda pond. 'To see. These people became my wives and were born here because of merit. But you were born in the womb of a beast without merit. From now on, Sil Rakin must be warned. Went there again. Now she keeps her morals. Sakdevindu thought to find out if she keeps her abstinence in a few days. Kekiniya floated on the water in the guise of a fish and came forward. She thought it was a dead fish. So she grabbed the fish by the head. Then the fish wagged its tail. Then, thinking that the animal was alive, he left it. Then Sakdevindu said, 'Very good. Very good. You can do Sil Rakin' and left there.

She was angry with that animal world. He was born in the house of a potter in Varanasi. Sakdevindu looked where she was born . I learned that she was born there. He disguised himself as an old man and filled the vehicle with gold pebbles. Do you feel sick ? Do you take a bite ?  said and shouted. Then people came and asked, Father , give us also Kekiri'.

"I give only to those who keep discipline. Are you people who keep discipline?"

"Oh, we don't know about Sil. "Give it for money."

"not…. I will not give these for money. "It is only given to someone who keeps the ritual," the old man said.

Then people said, 'What a fool!'

Sujata also got to know about this Kekiri grandfather. She thought that she must have brought me. Grandfather, give me Kekiri then.' She was born as the daughter of Vepachitti Asurendra and got merit from that human world. She became very beautiful because she kept her chastity. After she entered youth, a meeting of the Asuras was called to find a husband who would please her. Then Sak Devidudu looked where she was born. Then he saw that a feast had been prepared for her in the city of Asura. Sakdevindu took part in that ceremony by imagining an Asura color. She picked up the garland and went in search of her suitable husband. Suddenly Sakdevindu, dressed as an Asura, was seen. I chose this as my husband because of the affection of the previous soul. Then Sakdevindu brought her to Deva City. She got the senior position among three thousand five hundred Natak women. They lived comfortably in the divine world and got out of there due to karma.

Having said this, our Blessed One strongly warned that monk. Even someone like Sakdevindu showed that he would refrain from killing animals regardless of his own life. He said that it was Ananda who was enraptured that day, and our Blessed One who was enraptured.

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