37. Tiththira Jatakaya

Anathapindika Situ spent fifty four crores and prepared the Jetavanarama. The Blessed One was informed about it through messengers. The Blessed One had left Rajagaha and was traveling to Vishala Kandy. So the monk left for Sawat Kandy with the Sangha.


But the six stubborn monks named Jabbagiya went to Jetavana early. He asked, 'Where is the crowd for the Sangha?' and went that way. Before the sages went, the eighty great disciples conquered all the people. 'And... this is for our teacher. By telling this to our teachers, they tried to give it to their monks. The dignitaries who visited later did not get the crowd. Our Dharma Sena Commander Sariputta is also the last one. He did not get a throne for his work. So our Sariputta spent the night by walking in the shade of a tree near the seat of the Blessed One.

The Blessed One left the chamber early in the morning and cleared his throat. Sariputta also cleared his throat.

"Who are you?" "I am Lord, Sariputta"

“Ah… Sariputta…. Because at this time. What are you doing here?"

“Sir, I am a little late. That's why I couldn't get a seat. So I came to the shade of this tree. Good here too. I spent time sitting and walking. Lord, I have no difficulty”

The Blessed One was very moved. Oh... the deteriorating nature of animals..! How to live without respect and submissiveness towards each other even while I was alive.

The Blessed One gathered all the monks together that morning and said. "Is it true, monks, did these Jabbaggia bhikkhus set aside crowds for their respective bhikkhus early? Couldn't the great stable monks get people?" "That's right, Lord"

Then the Blessed One expressed his displeasure at the actions of the Jabbaggia monks and said. He heard again and said.

"Monks, which monks deserve the first seat, the first bread, the first alms?"

Then some monks said: 'Lord, suitable only for Kshatriya monks... Lord, suitable for monks of Brahmin lineage…. Lord, suitable for disciplined monks… Lord, suitable for preacher monks…. Lord, it is suitable for monks born in meditation. Lord, it is suitable for monks who have gained path. Lord, it is only suitable for arhats who have attained abhijnabhi...” and so on.

"No... Venerables... Those are not qualifications for the one who receives the chair of my order, the one who receives the wine first, and the one who receives the donation first. In my order, the one who was first ordained was the upasampada, and only the elder order obtained from that upasampada is eligible for the mulasana, the first donation.

Now look, monks, my Agrasravaka, Anudharmachakrapravartaka Sariputta is certainly worthy of receiving a senasana near me. But the Sariputtas spent this night in the shade of a tree. Monks, if this happens now, what will happen in the future!

Monks, even the beasts of old said, 'It is not proper for us to be disrespectful and disrespectful to each other. "They selected the eldest among us and he should live till he was dignified, so they became angry with the animal spirit and then they were born among the gods," said this Tithira Jataka. Indeed, the Tithira Jataka is a good lesson to develop virtues.

"Monks, in the past, there was a great banyan that spread out in the Himalayan forest. In the shadow of this city, a baboon, a monkey and an elephant lived very friendly. But there was no special respect for each other. Lived with humor. One day they talked like this. "It is not right that we live like this without respect for each other. Let's find out who is the oldest among us. Let's live with respect to him. So how do we find the oldest among us?”

One day they were sitting under Maha Nuge. Then the bitter monkey asked the elephant. "Comrade , elephant, since when did you know about this great banyan tree ?"

“Friends…. I remember. When I was a small child, I used to walk among the trees in this forest. Then this will be yours in my womb. a little plant"

Then Titwatua and the elephant asked the monkey, "Friend, monkey, what do you remember about this great ignoramus?"

“Friends…. I remember too. When I was a little kid, I used to sit on the ground and eat the tops of this nugaruke without raising my neck. That's how I remember it from childhood."

After that, the elephant and the monkey asked Thithwatua what they knew about Nugaruka.

"Friends, there used to be a rotten banyan. Now it's not there. dead and gone There, among those branches, fruits are produced on the leaves. I will go and eat that banana. One day after I ate banana nuts, I did varchus here. This banyan sprouted from a banyan seed that was in the bunch of varchus. That's all my memory needs. So I think I am the oldest among you."

Then the elephant and the monkey said this to Tittutuwa. “Yes my friend, you are the oldest among us. Starting today, we will offer you care, respect , worship, praise, and puja. We will act on your advice from today. Please warn us from today. Be comforted”

Then Bosat warned them bitterly. He also took ablution. They were also established in Seela. Thus living with respect for each other, he was born among the gods after death.

Thus, monks, even beasts have lived with respect for elders. You who are ordained in a noble Buddhist order with this kind of swakkhata dharmavinya should be very careful about respecting each other. After this day, no new bhikkhu should exclude the elder bhikkhus from the satna. If someone does that, it is a mistake and a precept is said. Then the Blessed One spoke this stanza.

“If one respects elders

They are talented in religion

He is also worthy of praise in this world

In the next world, happiness will be born.”

Thus the Blessed One said many virtues of respecting the elderly. "Brothers, at that time, our Moggallanas were on the loose. The monkey was our Sariputta. "It was I who became the wise Titvatua," said this Tittira Jataka. Tittira Jataka

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