36. Sakuna Jathakaya

In those days, the Blessed One was living in Jetavana in Sawat. At that time, a certain monk took the Dhamma advice of the Blessed One and found a free place and left. In a rural area of ​​Kosol Colony, a cabin was built in a certain forest and closed. But in the first month, the cabin he was in caught fire. Then that monk went to the people and said:


“Oh dear…. My cabin caught fire. Now I have no place for it. Sadness is outside"

“O Lord, our fields are also dry…. Oh Lord, there is water for the fields... The fences in the fields are there for the farmers... there are the weeds... there are the weeders...' and no help was received from the people. He lived in the open for three months. Due to the problem of the accommodation, the heart was suffering. It was not possible to practice Dharma properly. So there was no progress. After the time of fasting was over, the monk went back to visit the Blessed One. After worshiping the Blessed One, he remained alone.

“Monk, did you spend the Vaskala well? Have you reached the top of the idea of ​​practicing dharma?"

"Oh Lord... I didn't get a good place to live. That's why it happened with anxiety in mind. It was not possible to practice the dharma properly.

“Monk…. Even animals know where they fit and don't fit. Why couldn't you choose it?" Said this omen Jataka.

"Monk, long ago there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi. At that time, the great bodhisattvas were born in the vagina of birds and lived in the company of a large tree that spread out in a certain forest, surrounded by a flock of birds.

One day Bosat bird was closed in a branch of that tree. At that time, the wind blew two branches of that tree together. A little smoke came from there. Seeing that, Bosat the bird thought like this.

Not two more... If the two branches cross like that, a fire will start. Then those sparks fall down and ignite the dry leaves. This tree can be caught in the fire. It is not suitable to live here anymore. The bodhisattvas said this stanza saying that they should leave this place immediately and go somewhere else.

"In the shade of this great tree that arose on the ground

If the birds want to escape from the fire

Fly away, birds, in another direction

It removes the fear of fire”

Monk, the fire had not started at that time. But many birds listened to the Bodhisattva's words. Bosat flew away with the bird to another region. There were birds who did not accept that word. They talked like this. They joked, "Oh, nonsense... they can see crocodiles under the drops of water." It was only a few days. Suddenly the tree caught fire. Birds and chicks did not get to fly. Being surrounded by smoke and flames , the birds fell into the fire and died.

In that way, the monk was able to choose even the beasts of the past where they were right and wrong. So accidents were avoided. Why didn't you understand that? " and preached the Fourfold Truth to that monk. At the end of that ten days, that monk became a monk. "Monk , the group of birds that obeyed the words of the Bodhisattva are the group of Buddhas. "I was the wise bird ," he said. Sakuna Jataka said.

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