04. Choulasetti Jatakaya

 You may have heard about Chulapanthaka Maha Arahant before. He was the one who got into a lot of trouble because he could not study one stanza. Our Blessed Lord helped those Chulapanthaks. Because of that, Agathanathura Labhi became a great arahant. We are now learning the beautiful story about his life.

There was a beautiful situ daughter in a rich situ family in Rajagaha. She is very thoughtful. Like Aayy Patachara, he lived a butterfly life in his youth. Ayay started a romantic relationship with a slave who worked in that plantation. To survive for a long time, he took the valuables and ran away from the plantation with that slave. He went to a faraway place and lived by building a log house.

After some time Situ Kumari became pregnant. Then she was very helpless. was alone She suggested to her husband that we go to Situmadura in Rajagaha again. He was very scared. Even if he couldn't, Situ said that if he was caught, he would kill him. She doesn't ask. She is arguing that she wants to go home now. The husband does not like it at all.

One day, when her husband went to work, she ran away from home. She is not at home when her husband comes home. After hearing the information from the neighbors, her husband ran on the same road. She is under a tree on the main road and is moaning. Her husband came to find her. It's hard for her. The child was born on the highway.


"I don't want to go to the house now. You got a baby. Let's go back home slowly" said her husband and went home with her and the baby. He got the name Panthaka because he was born on the highway. Pantha means road.

After some time, there were signs of having another child. As before, she asked her husband that she wanted to go to Situgedara. That time too, she did not get permission from her husband, so she took her little son with her and left to go to the house. That time too, her husband came to find her. On the way, I met the second son on the highway. The trip to Mahagedara was avoided. Came back home. So they named their eldest son Mahapanthaka. The little son was named Chulapanthaka. Now these two children are growing well. While the children playing in the neighborhood, those children talk about their uncles, aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers. These children have no such relatives. So when these two children were asked about their relatives, they had nothing to say. One day the two children asked their mother:

"Mommy... Why don't we have relatives... All the other children have relatives. Relatives come to see them. They are going to relative's houses….. Please….. Mother….. Don't we have anyone…..?”

"There, my son... you have relatives who have great wealth and property."

"Mother is lying....then why are we in this hut....where are those relatives of mother?"

"Son... Dhana Situ of Rajagaha is your grandfather. That will be your grandmother... But son, there is no way for us to get there now, isn't it?

“Oh…. Why mom….. it happened to us”

"Here, my son.... Our parents do not like the marriage of your father and me. That's why we came to such a distant region against their will and against them... Now we can't go there son"

Then those children started forcing the mother to go to Rajagahanu over and over again. He said he wanted to see his relatives. She told her husband the idea of ​​going home where the mother would not be able to escape from the children.

"Oh my lord... Let's just go. After seeing two beautiful sons... Why will they eat our meat?

“Huh…. I can't go. If you say so, I will go and send all three away."

"But it's okay... Don't let these children have a future."

So they took their two sons and came to Rajagahanuwara in order. Stopped at one shelter. The mother of the sons took the children and went to Situgedara. He informed that he had come to see his parents and that he had two sons.

The servant who carried the message arrived shortly.

"Sir.... Situ said this. There is no end to the daughters and sons that you meet while wandering around. They said they don't want to see you who have done us a great wrong. He gave me this wealth.... He asked me to go and live comfortably.... He asked me to bring the two children inside the cabin. He said he will raise the two children .

Then Princess Situ took the wealth sent by her father . The two children were sent to the nursery. He looked at the garden with tears in his eyes and left.

Now these two children are growing well in the nursery. Chulapanthaka is still a toddler. Mahapanthaka often goes to Veluvanarama to hear sermons with his grandfather. There you can also associate with the Master. You also get to associate with spiritual monks. One day Mahapanthaka's son asked his grandfather:

“Grandfather…. This worldly journey is a dangerous thing, isn't it, Grandfather.... We will not get such an opportunity to meet a Sambudhu, right Grandfather...."

"That's true son.... Meeting a Buddha is not something very rare.... Son's way of thinking is very good..."

"So Grandfather.... Grandfather, if Grandfather gives me permission, can I also become a monk in the Noble Buddha Order, Grandfather"

Then the grandfather gave Sadhukara. “Sadhu… Sadhu… my son…. What a great thing it is to be ordained at this time....! Be a priest my son...! Wait to get out of this horrible world..."

Mahapantha got his grandfather's permission. The grandfather took this child and went to visit the Blessed One.

"Great tiger.... who is this son...?"

“Lord…. This is my great grandson…. That's why I brought this….. I'm not the guardian of this child….. I like Lord…. What a thing to be ordained….!”

Then the Blessed One asked the Sangha to ordain the Mahapanthakas. Those Mahapanthakas studied the Dharma with great effort. When he turned twenty years old, he became a deputy. After a while, Rahat became a name. One day the Mahapanthaka monk thought like this.

"Because I got to become a monk in a great Buddhist temple, I was lucky enough to overcome this worldly sorrow. Oh…..how much it would be if we could give this great Nirvana happiness to our brother too...” that So the Mahapanthaka monk went to his situ grandfather and said this.

"Sir... I was thinking of ordaining my brother as well. If you like, can I take you to Chulapantha and get ordained....?”

“Oh…. Good Lord... What a fortune to see both of my grandsons complete the Buddha's reign."

Chulapanthak also became a monk. He is now studying Dhamma under his brother Lord. But I don't remember a single sermon. So weak. One day Mahapanthaka Theru taught Podi this stanza. He told me to memorize it.

“Padumang yatya kokanandang sugandhang

Patho Siya Fullamweeta Gandhang

Angirasan Passa Virochamanan


Like a fragrant red flower that blooms in the morning

In autumn, the sun shines in the sky

Sil Samadhi Guna always shines with wisdom

Lord Angirasa is at work

Oh... I'm working hard for four months... Remembering the first verse and reciting the second verse, you forget it again. Absolutely not. There is no memorization.

Karma Vipaka is something that we cannot think about and finish. During the reign of Kasyapa Samma Sambudhu kings, that Kasyapa Buddha was ordained in Chulapanthaka. At that time Harima was wise. Lessons will be available in a moment. At that time, this monk made fun of a monk who could not memorize. got it Then that monk was ashamed. Stopped memorizing. See how karma follows. In this spirit, they cannot memorize. His brother Mahapanthaka Therun spoke a little harshly.

"Chulapanthaka.... Four months have passed now. Where….. this…. You can't study the same stanza.... How can you get the results of enlightenment if you can't do such a small thing....? There is no use in being here…… go away.”

Then Chulapantaka Podinama worshiped Mahapanthaka Theru. The voice cried and went to the cabin. On those days, the Sangha is notified by the Mahapanthaka Therus. A donation was made at Jeevaka Komarabhachayan's house. Those five hundred are for the monks. Mahapanthaka said to the living beings who came to remind them of the alms.

"Upasaka, except for our Chulapanthaka, all the other monks will give alms tomorrow. There is no need for Chullapanthaka... He is not a person who cannot progress in the Buddha's order.... Therefore, everyone else will grow except him."

Chulapanthaka Podiname heard this story. Very shocked. "Oh.... Our brother Lord's heart is broken. Come on…. What am I doing now? Harima wants to continue in the monastic life. Please... But…. How am I here now….and how am I going home again….”

Even Chulapanthaka was crying loudly that night. The next morning he asked to go home, but he couldn't go. He sat near the entrance of the temple. Started crying again. After a while, I realized that someone came and touched his head with love. Chullapanthaka raised his head and looked. "Oh... our Blessed One has risen" Chullapanthaka immediately got up and worshiped the Blessed One.

“Why…… Chullapanthaka…. Because this voice is crying... What happened..."

“Oh…. Lord…. Our Mahapanthaka asked me to go home. I could not study a stanza for four months."

Then the Blessed One held Chullapantha's hand and spoke with love.

“How do you do that…. Choulapanthaka was ordained for me. So I should have walked straight and said.... Ha!.... It doesn't matter now. I don't want to go home. Let's go to the temple now. Don't be afraid of Chulapanthaka... to act as I say. All those deficiencies will be completed."

So the Blessed One took Chulapanthaka's hand and proceeded to the fragrance room. He sat in a sunny place.

“And… now buy these new white cloths. Keep rubbing with the other hand remembering well, 'Abandonment of impurity... Abandonment of impurity...'

The monks informed the Sangha about the time for alms. The Blessed One accompanied the Sangha and went to Jeevaka's house. There was work in the assigned seats.

Chulapanthaka Podhi is still rubbing cloth. Sweated in the sun. Those new white cloths started getting dirty little by little. The wisdom of Chulapanthaka Sasare practiced began to emerge.

"Really... What a new white cloth was given to me by the Blessed One. Doesn't everything that happened change very fast."

Just then Chulapantha began to hear the sweet voice of the Blessed One.

"Chulapanthaka... Now you can see how the white cloth in your hand is getting dirty... That kilo is not a powerful kilo. The lust in your heart is the most powerful weapon. You have to give up those raga kilos too. It should be discarded," the Blessed One said these three stanzas in a melodious tone.

Lust is the real kilu of the world

Other Kilutu names are not

Raga itself is called Kilu

Get rid of man and kill this raga

In the untainted sasuna of raga

Those monks are healthy

Hate is the filth of the world

Other Kilutu names are not

Hatred itself is called Kilu

Get rid of this hate

In a state untainted by malice

Those monks are healthy

Moha Kelesa is the real Kilu of the world

Other Kilutu names are not

Moha itself is called Kilu

Get rid of Manavin and kill this illusion

In the untainted state

Those monks are healthy

As soon as these stanzas were finished, Chulapantaka Podinama became a great arahant. After attaining the knowledge of Patisambhida, the Dharma spoken by the Blessed One was well absorbed and the error of forgetting was completely gone.

That Chulapantaka monk had been a king in a previous soul. One day, when this king was touring the city, sweat poured from his forehead in the heat of the sun. Then he wiped his forehead with his clean white cloak. Wiped the face. In an instant, the cloak was torn . 'This cloak became dirty because of the impurity of this body. On that day, that king thought that everything that arises is impermanent. The Blessed One gave the white cloth in this way in order to help Chulapanthakas meditate on the impermanent sannyas when he was a king.

Jeevaka Komarabhaccha brought the pan and prepared to pour the pan in order to present the gift to our Blessed One. Then the Blessed One closed the bowl with his hand and said:

"Jeewaka... there is a monk in the temple."

Mahapanthakaya said this. “No sir…. There are no monks in the temple. Not everyone is big."

"Jivakaya, there is a monk in the temple" he said again. Then Jeevakas called a servant.

“Oh boys…. Hanika kept watching to see whether there were any monks in the temple or not.

That servant ran to the temple. There are monks all over the Jeevaka Amavana Vihara. Some monks call. Some monks sew robes. Some monks offer four offerings. Some monks walk. More monks are meditating.

The employee was upset. Ran back. He went to Jeevaka and said this. "Oh... Venerable Thero, it's not right... I think there are thousands of monks in Ambawana. Countless."

Then the Blessed One said:

“The man…. You go again. Go and say 'Chulapanthaka monk is summoning Master'.

Then the man ran away again. “Lord…. Who is Chulapanthaka….?” asked.

When one monk said, 'I am Chulapanthaka', everyone said it. The boy was upset again. He ran to Jeevaka's house again saying that it didn't work. The Blessed One considered the matter.

“Oh… Lord…. That's amazing. I asked who is Chullapanthaka... Then everyone said that I am Chulapanthaka. How am I going to find him?

“The man…. You go again. Go and ask the same thing again. Hold the hand of the monk who speaks first. Then the other monks will disappear."

The boy ran again. Asked again. Then the monk who was near took me by the hand and said, ``I am Chulapanthaka.'' All the other monks disappeared.

“Oh…. Lord…. Let's grow up. The Blessed One is speaking” “Good dear… you go…. "I will come," said Chulapanthaka monk. After the alms, it was entrusted to Chulapanthaka monk for Buddhist enlightenment. It's amazing... There was not a single stanza, but the monk recited the Dhamma sweetly like a flowing river.

The monks gathered that evening were talking about this wonderful event.

“Of course…. His own fellow Mahapanthakas could not understand Chulapanthaka. Koragan was not expelled from the temple because he could not study a verse for four months. Huh…. To see... How our Blessed Lord Harima beautifully removed all those blames and helped us.... The power of Sambhu is amazing.”

Then the Blessed One is there. Those monks mentioned to the Blessed One what they were talking about. At that time the Blessed One said:

"Brothers, I was greatly inspired in the Dhamma because of this soul of Chulapantha. Pan was extremely good at creating psychic bodies. Mahat Dharma came to power. It happened before. In one soul he became a great rich man because he followed my advice.

So the monks who were there wanted to know about Chulapanthaka monk who followed the advice of our Bodhisattva in a past life and became a great rich man. He appealed to the Blessed One to tell that story. The Blessed One said this Chulasetti Jataka at that time.

“Sir, it happened like this. In the distant past, there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi, Kasi country. At that time Bodhisattva was born in a family in Varanasi. As he grew old, he also got situ positions. He became famous by the name of 'Chulasetty'. He was very wise at that time. One day, Choulasetti was going to the palace for duty. I saw a rat's dung on the side of the road. He saw and said this.

"Meh... Balapalla…. There is a rat hole. This is enough for a wise person to start a new job. "If you work with a good mind, you can cut the road to progress."

There was a very poor boy among the people listening to that story. He thought like this. Rattu accepts this Choulasetti as a great sage. This story cannot be a lie. Why do I want this bee dung for Aragan" thinking like this, while the boy was walking down the street with the bee dung, a kitten was screaming in one of the houses. He told the residents to go there and give rat dung to the cat. They were happy and gave very little money for it. With that money, he bought a sugarcane root and a small shell. They gave little sugarcane nectar to the Malakaras who went to the forest and picked flowers. He was also sent away. It relieved their fatigue. They were happy. Because of that happiness, they all gave flowers. He sold those bunches of flowers that same day. The next day, he went to the flower garden with sugarcane nectar and a water fountain. The flower seller was happy that day and gave him a bunch of half-picked flowers.

It was only a few days. Now he has eight yellow coins in his hand. The next day, a wind came and a lot of dry branches from the trees in the king's garden fell to the ground. He went to the gardener and said:

“The message…. If you give all these to me, I will clean the garden" and got permission from him. Then he went to the place where the children were playing.

“Children…. Do you like to drink sugarcane... and drink cold coffee....?"

“Oh yes… we love it.”

“Then come with me. First of all help me to collect all these fallen logs…. Then I will give you sugar and cold water.”

Time passed. All those branches were piled near the entrance of the garden. That day, the potter of Rajamadura ran out of wood to make pots for the royal family and went in search of wood. Seeing this wood near the entrance of the garden, he bought all the wood from this young man for sixteen kahvanu. He bought five more big pots to give water with sugarcane. One pan plate was kept near the entrance of the city. Sugarcane nectar and water were given to five hundred traders who carried hay. They all became friends of this young man.

"Friend... your sugarcane honey and water have quenched our fatigue. What do we want to do….!”

“Oh my friend,…. For now, I don't need anything special. I will tell you if there is anything. Then help me" In this way, this young man built a good friendship with the people who work on the ground road and the people who work on the waterway.

One day, a friend of his who works on the underground road told him good information. A grain merchant is coming with five hundred horses. Then this young man went to those grass sellers.

“Friend… I need your help today. Today I need one bundle of grass from each of you…… Likewise, you should not sell the grass until my bales are sold…”

They liked it because of their closeness. He was given a bundle of grass each. The grain merchant is looking for grass all over town. There is only one place. Nowhere else. He paid him a thousand kahavanu and bought the grass. A few days later, someone working in the waterway told this young man another piece of information. A big ship has arrived at the port. Then he rented a very nice car for eight kahwanu. Mahat Yasa went to the harbor with his entourage. A sailor was given a beautiful ring. He was sitting like a great merchant in a special place covered with beautiful cloth. Varanasi traders came there with the intention of buying goods. Then the people who detained him went to those merchants and said:

“Sir…. You will not get the goods today. "A great merchant has come and paid the advance for the goods early," he said, calling the merchants from the third gate and taking them to this young man.

About a hundred merchants each gave him ten gold coins. Went to the ship with him as his entourage. Again, they gave each of them a thousand and took the goods. He got an income of two thousand kahwanu from this intermediate trade. He took half of that money and a thousand yellow gold and went to visit Chulasetti. Chulasetti asked this.

“Why children…. Brought me so much money…. I don't know who you are."

"Situ, four months ago I was just a poor boy. That day, you saw a bee dung on the highway and said, if someone with good strategy develops, this bee dung will also be there. I was listening to it. I believed your word. That rat dung is the first step in my development."

Chulasetti was very happy with this young man. Thinking that 'a child like this should not belong to someone else', he got married to one of his own daughters. He owned all the wealth of that great plantation family."

Having said this, Lord Buddha also said:

"Sir, if a wise man can work with good tact, he can improve with very little advice and little goods. You can get a lot of wealth and a family. A small spark can be turned into a big fire by putting dry dung, grass etc. and blowing it with the mouth. That's how if you have effort and wisdom, you can progress.

In the past, that young man who took the advice I gave to him when he showed me that rat dung became very rich. This is Chulapantha. After finishing this Jataka speech, he said that it was not me who was Chulasetti at that time.

Dear, dear children, many people are watching the progress of outsiders and cheering. Shame to do even a small trade. Thinking of starting from the top. Dream palaces are built in the heart. Envious of others. Look at the auspicious omens, look at the directions. A person who is wise in effort starts with very little and progresses. These are good lessons for us.

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