043. Veluka Jatakaya

 In those days, the Blessed One was staying in Jetavana in Sawat. There was a certain monk in Jetavana itself. Very disobedient. He does what he thinks. He does not listen to the good advice of any elder monk. The monks took this monk to the Blessed One and reprimanded him for his disobedience. Then the Blessed One asked the monk about it.


“ Really , monk? Do you heed no warning?”

" That's right,  Lord"

" You, monk, had that weakness in your previous self as well. Therefore, because of not listening to the words of the sages, Maren was killed by the bite of a dangerous snake.”

Then the monks asked the Blessed One to tell the story about this monk's past life. The Blessed One said this jataka.

"Venerable monks, once upon a time there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi. The Great Bodhisattva was born in a very wealthy family in Kasi. After getting old, Kaman's fault began to show. Because of this, he left the lay house. He went to the Himalayas and became a sage. Meditation has given rise to abhijna. After some time, a group of around five hundred Taus formed with this sage Bosat.

One day a certain venomous snake came to an ascetic's house while it was crawling. The ascetic thought that this was one of his sons. He put it in a bamboo bowl. Raised it. That snake also used to hide in Unapuruku. So the other Tausan named that snake 'Veluka'. The ascetic got the name 'Veluka Piya' because he created this creature with filial love. Then the ascetic Bosat came to know that one of the monks was rearing a dangerous snake in a bamboo ring. He was called and asked about it.

“Is it true that asceticism…? Are you raising a dangerous snake in a bamboo ring…?”

"Yes, teachers..."

"Austerity... never trust those snakes! A great disaster can happen. So immediately let the animal go to the forest..."

“Oh… Doctor… I can't do it at all. That's my son... How can I live without him...?”

"Austerities... You will have to die for nothing because of that snake. He warned to think and act wisely. But that Tausa did not heed the advice of her Gurudeva Tausa. The snake continued to feed.

After a few days, all the ascetics left for the distant area to pick vegetables and fruits. Father Veluka also put his snake to sleep in the bamboo and left it with the ascetics. There were many fruits and vegetables in that area, so he stayed there for two or three days. Veluka's father also said that he wanted to give some food to Velukaya, "Come, my son... I haven't been able to give you food in two or three days now... Where can I come..." He put his hand on a bamboo stick. The angry snake bit that ascetic. Bamboo got off the bridge and went to the forest. Tausa died there. Bosat Thawsa performed his last rites and gathered the crowd of Thaws and recited this stanza.

“One seeks good for another

If you do, be careful

But if he asks no

As Veluka's father

He will suffer from it.”

He made the rest of the town come to their senses. Bosat Tausa was born in Bambalo after death.

Monk, even now you practice that old disobedience. In the previous soul, he died from the attack of a snake because of disobedience. Even now he was warned to be free from that weakness. Monks, the ascetics there were the Buddhas. Veluka's father was this disobedient monk. Veluka Jataka said, "I am Dr. Isivaraya".

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