44. Makasa Jataka

In those days, our Blessed One was traveling in Magadha colony. While traveling from Savath to Magadha, he came to a certain rural village. There are mostly stupid people in that village. One day these blind people gathered and talked like this.


"Happe... we are very troubled by these flies. We can't go to the forest and do any work. Flies come and sting. They want to drink our blood... because of these annoying flies, our important work is being disrupted."

"That's right... We have been subjected to flies all the time now. Let us take swords , bows, arrows , etc. and go to war with the flies at once. Let's attack. Then the crying is funny day by day...

So these stupid people took bows and arrows and went to the forest. Vidda where the flies were seen. hit As a result, their limbs were injured. They themselves were hit by arrows. The sword struck. He came in great pain and fell down in the village, in the middle of the village and at the village gate.

The Blessed One, accompanied by the Sangha of monks, went to that village in Pindapatha. The wise people in that village saw the Blessed One and built a pavilion. Great gifts were given to the Great Sangha led by the Buddha. After worshiping the Blessed One , he found himself alone. Seeing the injured people lying in places, the Blessed One asked:

“Worshippers…. Why are these people drowning? Did you go to Mecca and this happened...?"

"Oh Lord... these people didn't go to the forest to fight flies. However, the flies have gone and pierced themselves and cut themselves, but those flies have come and fallen in battle."

“Worshippers…. Not only now. In the past, people went to war with flies and attacked themselves. There were people in the past who beat others by saying they were swatting flies.

Then those people asked the Blessed One to tell the story of the people who went to punish the flies. The Blessed One said this jataka.

"Worshippers... Long ago, a king named Brahmadatta reigned in Varanasi. At that time, Bodhisattvas were also born in Varanasi and lived by trade. In those days , there were many carpenters in a remote rural village in Kasi country. An old carpenter among them was carrying a tree. Then a fly came and bit the top of the carpenter's head, which looked like a hairless copper plate , with a whip. The carpenter called to his son.

"Oh my son... this time... watch a fly on my head ... It stings like an instant attack... stop it , son..."

"Okay dad... Be patient. I will kill her at once..." he said. At that time, the Bodhisattvas went to that village to find some wood for themselves and were sitting in that hall.

"Where's my son... the fly hasn't been removed yet..."

"Okay dad... I'm coming now..." He raised a sharp ax. He hit his father's head with an ax to kill the fly. The head split open. The Bodhisattvas who saw this great foolishness said this stanza.

"The sage is great even if he is an enemy

A stupid friend is useless

A foolish son who kills a fly

split his father's head in two"

Devotees, foolish people used to fight with flies and hurt themselves. At that time I was the wise merchant," said the blessed Makasa Jataka.

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