02. Vannupatha Jatakaya

 This story is very beautiful. Many people do not know their potential. Losing your mind, giving up on your efforts, you spend time in vain. I heard this story because of a monk who gave up his pursuit of Nirvana.

There was a certain young man in Sawat. He also often went to Jetavana to listen to sermons. Dharma was impressed. Understand the troubles of lay life. It was also understood that monasticism is very close to liberation. He also got ordained after taking permission from his parents . He studied dharma and vinaya in the company of a teacher for five years. He took meditation advice from the Blessed One and went to a secluded forest. He meditated with effort for three months. But the mind keeps wandering. There is no mental concentration for a moment. Then that monk thought like this.

"The Blessed One has spoken about four persons. A person who has gained wisdom from the power of merit accumulated in the past will immediately understand the Dhamma. He is called the Ugghatitanny person. There is someone who understands the Dhamma when he hears it in detail. He is called Vipanchitannu. There is someone else. He should hear the Dhamma again and again. Need to try again. Then you will understand. He is a good person. Those three have the knowledge of Dharma. But there is someone else. No matter how hard you try, you will not understand the dharma. He is called padaparam. He can only remember the Dhamma. That means someone like me... where…. I also worked hard for three months. The mind is scattered. No amount of merit is generated….. So what is the result of my being in the wilderness?…. It's hard to make up my mind to try now….. I'm going back to Sawat City”

So this monk gave up hope of getting salvation. He made fun of himself. Made a fool. Now you are there. He gets into the conversation with the group and is funny. Being late. They don't even learn dharma. Then the monks asked:

Why back…. Now your behavior is different. Everything seems to be taken for granted. It doesn't look like you are in Satipattana... Why did you go to Aranyavasa and come back soon?


Oh dear, I am an extraordinary person. Our Blessed Lord did not say that there is a person who cannot achieve success no matter how hard he tries in this life. I am one of those people. So why do you bump into something that is impossible? So I gave up trying.

“Oh…. Back…. Do not say that. Even our Blessed One, who was full of great power, believed in his own efforts. Maraya appeared and said that it is useless to take Viriya. Where….. have you given up trying…..! It is not right for a teacher who has been enlightened by a strong hero to be so effortless.... let's go… Let us go to the Blessed One and find out whether that story is true or not."

So those monks took that monk to the Blessed One even though he was reluctant. Matters considered.

"Yes, the monk... Have you given up establishing consciousness in Satipattana? Did Viriya give up…?”

"That's right, Lord"

“Monk…. Did you think that meditation is the only merit after being ordained in a noble institution that can overcome such worldly sorrows? Why the monk…. Avarice…. Be happy with what you get. Having the courage to start…. Dharma Respect... Patience... Isn't it meritorious? Monk, you used to have great valor of spirit. Because of your single heroism, five hundred wagons of people and cows were killed and healed. So…. Why are you leaving the hero now?

Then the monks appealed to the Blessed One to tell them the past news.

"Oh... blessed lords, now it is a well-known fact that we have abandoned the zeal of this monk. But we don't know the story of him who healed people with that powerful hero who was covered with many doubts. We would love to know about it. May it be said to us”

Then, with great courage, our Blessed One said this Vannupatha Jataka.

"Monks, in the distant past, there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Kasirata, Benares. At that time, Bodhisattva was born in a cart trading family. So, after he was young, he did the wagon trade.

One day, the Bodhisattvas went out to trade with their fleet of five hundred. This time we went through the desert area. One has to cross the Mahavaluka desert for a distance of sixty yoduns. The sand in that desert is very fine. If you take a handle, the fingers will fall off. When the sun is up, it is unspeakably hot. The sand is burning hot. That's why desert travel during the day is very difficult. Finding the direction to go by starlight at night and traveling. At sunrise, Galpirivara is parked in a circle. There is a pavilion in the middle. Camp beams are provided and rested. Leaving again in the evening. Going to the sea and going to the desert are both the same. It is in the hands of the guid.

So the Bodhisattva's train came back with fifty new yodans. There is one more night. So the water was also finished. In the evening, Gala left lightly. The guide looked at the stars in the sky and told the way to go from here, go by hand and leaned back a little. He fell asleep due to exhaustion. The bulls circled the desert all night and came back to where they were before. At dawn, the guide woke up. He got upset and stopped. Oh... It's okay... Mai is back where she was.

People started shouting. "Oh... Not even a drop of water... We will die of thirst. Come on…. It was not a disaster that happened to us..."

Bodhisattvas did not disturb their minds. Didn't shout at anyone. He was thinking how to survive this calamity. Walked around carefully. Saw a Kusatana bush in the distance.

"It is something special to have a Kusatana bush in this great sandy area! There is a possibility of a waterway going underneath. So he called his entourage.

“Friends…. It is bad for us to give up at this time. Take some shovels and some grass and come here. Here... this... Let's go to the place where the Kusatana bush is. Let's dig a well. Anyway, we need to find some water."

Everyone got together and started swimming. Digging under sixty cubits. Finally, the dang dang hoe hit a rock face. Everyone was disappointed.

"Oh... we're done..." He fell down after thinking that. Viriya gave up. The bodhisattvas did not panic. Went down to it. He knelt on the stone and put his ear to the stone. A sound of running water is faintly heard. He came up and addressed the crowd.

"Friends... Where is that little deacon of ours? and…. Son….. you are strong……. You can cry. If you give up heroism, we will all perish. Don't give up your courage and keep hitting the stone with this pepper.

Then he accepted that word. He went down alone when everyone else left the hero and fell to the side. Veeriya continued to attack the stone without giving up. Monks….. The hero who does not give up is a very successful thing. That rock didn't explode... Here water came up. “Okay…. "Son, strike harder..." Bodhisattvas shouted. Then he hit even faster. The stone broke. A large body of water like a palm tree was raised. A big water bubble popped up . Everyone who fell got up. Cheered with joy. Danced around the well. As soon as the man came up, he picked it up. Kissed the face. Everyone is happy. Bathed in water. The cattle were well watered. A flag was also raised there. In the evening, they left safely and crossed the desert the next day.

So sir…. That day this monk accepted my word and did not give up. Saved everyone's lives. Now he is ordained in a Buddhist order and is in Kusita. I am sad. Being burdened with evil. Merits are abandoned. Earlier Atmanva Veeriya was to fetch some water. This soul has to be brave enough to attain Nirvana. Where now? The heroine that day... The monk…. Now is the time to do a lot of bravery....don't hesitate.... Take a strong effort…..don't even think of yourself as a paraparam.. Think I can do it too"

When the monk heard this past news from the Blessed One, he was very ashamed of the error in his thought system. I understood that this happened because I meditated without wisdom. This bhikkhu stood up as fast as a lazy foreign horse that was lying on the ground and sleeping would get up with a cane from its master. I completely abandoned the idea that I can't. Satipattana's heart is well-placed. The Bodhipakshik doctrines grew very well. The fourfold truth was fully realized. The Maharahat became a name.

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