16. Tipallathamiga Jatakaya

 This incident happened when our Blessed One was working and living in Badarikarama in Kosambe. Another incident happened before that. In those days, the Blessed One was working at the pagoda called Aggalawa in Alav. At that time, it was Sunday afternoon for women. The bhikkhunis and worshipers leave after listening to the sermon before the clock falls. One day the bhikkhunis and upasikas did not listen to the sermon. The monks and worshipers stopped. Since then, Dharma hearing started at night.


After the dharma hearing was over, the great sages left for their respective cabins. Monks fresh from the upasampada and worshipers who came to hear the sermon slept in the Upastana Sala. Among the novice monks who were sleeping, some monks were snoring in their sleep throughout the night. Toothpicks were provided. Some slept for a while and sat down again. The worshipers treated the Blessed One about the behavior of these novice monks. Then the Blessed One called the group together and recited a precept that "If a certain upasapan monk or a non-upasapan monk sleeps in a bed, it will be a pachithi aavataki".

After that, Vadimin visited Badarikarama in Kosambi. Upasampada monks called the venerable Rahula in that Badarikarama.

"But Rahul, you are not yet an upasampada monk. Now the Blessed One has revived a precept that one should not sleep in the same place with someone who has not prayed. Therefore, they should find a separate place to live."

Before that precept comes to life, the other monks set up a small bed where they are, because they like the love and respect for the Blessed One and the extraordinary discipline of the auspicious Rahulas. A robe is also given as a pillow for the head.

But the monks did not show any lenience even because of the great Rahula in order to keep the precepts that the Blessed One revived that day. Rahula Bhadra also said, 'My father is Dasabala. My teachers are Dharma Senadhipitayan. My teachers are Mahamugalan Maha Theranu. My stepfather Ananda Maha Therapano is not too close to them. With great respect for the precepts given to the Sangha, he thought about where he would stay for the night to make the Sangha comfortable. Rahulas have no place to sleep. Upasampada monks are working in every booth. Then the Rahulas saw a small cabin in the distance. More than that. Looked at the screen. That is the toilet built for the Blessed One! He approached that toilet with great respect as if he were visiting a Brahmaviman. Slowly sat on the side. He slept quietly with his eyes closed. A lamp is lit next to the toilet throughout the night.

The discipline of our Rahula brothers is amazing. Some monks did not believe in his extraordinary obedience. That's why there are times when I thought I should ask about it. The Rahulas are touching the yard beautifully. Then some monks throw garbage in the yard. He goes to Rahula and says this.

"Look Rahula... That…. Whose work are these? Who has left garbage in these places?"

Then Rahula Bhadrayan called the yard again saying "O Lord, forgive me". The garbage is removed. He spent the night in that toilet because of his discipline and respect.

Before dawn, the Blessed One approached the toilet door. Cleared his throat. Then someone cleared his throat from inside.

"Who are you?"

“Lord…. "I am Rahula" came out and worshiped the Blessed One with love.

“Why Rahul…. Did you sleep here?"

“That's right, Lord, I found it difficult to find another place to lie down. Before, the lords help me a lot. Now they don't allow me where they live because of the fear that it will happen. So I am lying here so that they will not suffer."

That day, the Blessed One gathered the Sangha of monks and said.

"Sariputta... Last night the Rahulas have spent in the toilet! Sariputta, if you abandon the Rahulas like this, what will you do after the other children are ordained? Monks, from now on I will allow a monk to stay in one place for a day or two with those who are not ordained. On the third day, those who were not ordained should be made to live in another place outside," added another part to the precept.

That evening, the monks gathered in the Damsabha Mandapa were talking about these amazing virtues of Rahula Bhadra.

“Huh…. It's amazing, isn't it a wonderful discipline that our Rahulas have. The elder Theras told the Rahulas to find a place for you to sleep. He silently bowed his head and obeyed that idea. Didn't complain to anyone. Not unclear about anyone. Silently and innocently went to the toilet and spent the night…. This is a great miracle!”

The Blessed One heard this story.

"Brothers, the desire to be disciplined by the Rahulas is not something that exists only now, only in this spirit. Even when he was born as a brute spirit, he wanted to be disciplined in the same way.

Then the monks appealed to the Blessed One to tell the past story about the Rahulas.

"Monks, long ago there lived a certain king in the country of Magadha. At that time, bodhisattvas were born in mouths. That deer lived in the forest with a large herd of deer. Two brother deer of that deer got a kid.

One day, the deer's son, the deer, brought the deer to the deer.

“Brother…. This is your nephew. Teach him how to behave."

“Alright… now go son…. From time to time. Come and study well.”

So the young deer goes to the main deer without fail at the said time. He went and studied deer magic. One day the deer was caught in a trap while wandering in the forest. shouted loudly. The deer herd fled. The mother deer was informed that the son was caught in a trap. Then she went crying to brother Bosat Muwa.

“Brother…. Did you teach your son-in-law magic?"

"Don't create any doubt about your son. She learned mouth care from me. Wait, where.... in a little while he will smile and come running here."

So the deer also kicked the ground with its four hooves. Put all four feet to one side. Tongue stuck out. Passed stool and urine. He took a deep breath and inflated his stomach. Drove from the mouth. The official was full of flies because of the excrement spilled. The crows were circling little by little.

The one who set the trap came. Hand patted the deer's belly. 'This deer seems to have been caught early. Is it going to spoil or not?' said the traps. He got up to pick some green leaves and said that he wanted to cut them and take them away. Just then the deer got up. Satara stood on all fours. He turned his head. He hit the forest with lightning speed and disappeared. The mother came running to Dena.

Monks, that's how the baby deer was saved that day. Rahul has been obedient before. Likes to be disciplined. Rahulayan was the deer that was my nephew in that spirit. Uppalavanna was the mother deer of that deer. I was the main deer."

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