15. Kharadiya Jatakaya

 At that time, our Blessed One was living in Jetavana in Sawat. There was a certain monk in that Jetavanarama. No advice from elder monks is taken into consideration. Hari is stubborn. tough Do not bend to the word of a teacher. He is in his decision. So the monks complained to the Blessed One about this. The Blessed One called that monk.


"Is it true that the monk does not accept any advice from Dr., Upadhyaya?"

"That's right… blessed ones… it's true."

Monk,  You were the same in your previous self . He was caught in the trap and died because he did not take the advice of the wise.

Then the monks asked the Blessed One to tell the past story.

"Monks, once upon a time there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi . At that time, bodhisattvas were born as deer. Lived in the forest with a large herd of deer. This deer had a sister. That deer got a kid. That kid's name is Kharadiya. One day that brother deer came to Bosat deer with his calf.

“Brother… . This is your nephew . Teach this puppy how to behave. From today this cub is yours.

"Good…. So dear. Come on time. Come and learn the art of mouth from me.”

But that baby deer did not come to the main deer to learn deer tricks. Seven days passed like that. Seven opportunities to get warnings were missed. That young fawn started wandering in the forest at will without any warning or advice on how to avoid danger. Unknowingly, he was caught in the trap. Died. Wedda took the meat home.

Bose, who was saddened by the loss of the fawn, found the fawn. “Brother…. Didn't your son-in-law, Muwa, have been taught how to handle it?"

“No… that deer doesn't care about warnings. When he asked me to come to him, he did not come to learn mouth care. It is useless to think about the person who does not accept advice. I will not bother to teach deer tricks to such a disobedient deer. That deer didn't even show any interest in getting advice."

"Monks, this monk has not disobeyed just now. The soul used to be the same way. It was this disobedient monk who became the disobedient fawn of that soul's brother muvadena. It was Uppalavanna who was giving the brother's farewell. I was the chief warning deer."

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