41. losaka jathakaya

At that time, the Blessed One was living in Savatnuwara Jetavana. At the same time, a very weak child was born in a village where there are people who kill fish in the country of Kosol. On the day the child was conceived, the entire Kevul village of a thousand families could not catch a single fish. The houses of that village burned seven times while the child was growing up. The king was also fined seven times. Gradually, the entire Kevul village became sad and helpless. The heads of the fishing villages discussed this.


"Isn't this a very surprising thing... More and more we were lost... So far, such a disaster has not happened in a while...! Has any wretch been born in this village? Let us divide the village into two houses of five hundred each. Then there will be an eye to find….!” Gradually the houses were divided. The house where the child was conceived was left. Other families gradually improved. Then the villagers got together and the family ran away from the village!

That mother lived very sadly with her stomach up. gave birth to a son. This is the last soul of that child's journey. The good fortune of attaining the noble Rahat fruit was shining in his heart like a lamp burning inside a vase. That mother fed this child very sadly. After this child was able to walk, he was given a frying pan.

"Son... come to that seedy house and ask for anything and eat..." The child was sent away. The mother left the child and ran away. Since then, this child was alone. There is no food, drink, bath or sleep. Lived very sadly like a scavenger. The child gradually became seven years old and ate the grains of rice like a crow that washes the pots and throws them away.

One day when our Dharma Senadhya Sariputta was begging for alms, he saw this child who was living a very miserable life. "Children come here..." said to this child. Then he went and worshiped Sariputta.

“Children…. Which village are you from? Who is your mother and father….?”

“Lord…. Because of me, our mother and father are very troubled...! So they left me…”

“Children…. Do you want to become a priest like me?

“Oh Lord…. Who will sew someone like me…?”

“Why am I….? I will sew…”

Then the child liked it. Sariputta took this child to the temple. He cleaned himself and bathed in water. Food and drinks were given. Ordained. At the age of 20, he was trained. As this poor monk grew old, he became known as 'Losakatissa Theranuwo'. There is almost no merit in receiving the four sides. Even on the great day of King Kosol, he did not get enough food to satisfy his hunger! After begging for alms, they get a little porridge. People see the bowl as full of food. The sages of this world behaved in dharma with effort. Achieved the noble Rahat Phala. After his life ended, the day of his death gradually came.

Our Lord Sariputta came to know that the people of Losaka had passed away.

“Oh! Today our losaka is drinking... Even today, it is worth giving him a full meal..." That day, Sariputta begged for alms with Losaka Theru. That day, no one even came to worship Sariputta with alms and extended hands. Everyone went unnoticed. After that Sariputta went to Losaka Therunta Vihara and sat in the alms hall and told them. He traveled alone and found himself in Pindapatha. Then Sariputta sent his almsman to ask someone to put a candle in his hand. In the middle of it he ate!

Then Losaka Theru obeyed Gurubasa. Slowly Chatumadhura started to be buried. Chatumadhura did not disappear because of the power of Sariputta. That day, Losakatissa Theranu embraced until his belly was full. He died that very day.

This was a very emotional event for all the monks. The monks gathered in the Damsabha Mandapa were chatting about the misfortunes of this Losakatissa Theru and the fortunes of the Arahats. Then our Blessed One went there and said.

"Monks, a soul in the past threatened the profit of a Rahat monk.... So it was lost. But in that spirit, he practiced Vidarshan well. That is why the wisdom was developed in such a way that Nikelas.

Then those monks asked the Blessed One to tell the story of Losaka Theru's previous soul. The Blessed One said this jataka.

Venerable monks, in the days of Kasyapa Tathagatas, there lived a monk who was ordained in that village. The village chief of that village made a cabin for this monk. He also lived virtuously practicing vidarshan meditation. One day, because one Rahat Theranam did not stay in one place for a long time, he came in order to the village where the village chief was. The village chief was greatly impressed when he saw the holy demeanor of the Lord. They visited their house and offered gifts.

"Lord... we also have a temple. More than that. I will come to see you in the evening..."

Then he went to that temple and worshiped the elders residing there.

"Ah... How is Dane today...?"

"Dane got infected..."

"Where is that from…?"

"In the house of the village chief of your village..."

Residents prepared a cabin for these guests. The village chief went to his temple in the evening after bringing fragrant flowers, oil etc. Worshiped the resident Theru.

"Lord... one guest is too much, isn't it?"

"So worshiper..."

"Where is Unnanse...?"

"Come on in that room..."

Then the main donor visited and worshiped the guests and sat next to them and heard some sermons. The next day, Dane was invited to his home by Vadin. Residents thought this.

Our contributors are not clear about me...? If this visiting monk stays for a long time, he will ignore me.' He thought that he would have to make arrangements to go from there.

That day, guests poured into resident guests. But not a word was spoken. The Lord understood that this monk did not like his presence. Then the sages quietly engaged in their meditation activities. The next day the resident monk tapped the tumor with his fingernail. Knocked on the door with a nail. He wrapped himself in a robe and went to the donor's house.

“Oh Lord…. Why are there not many of our guests...?”

"I don't know how to tell the details about your Kulupaga Theru. I also hit the nut. Knocked on the door. Where... I didn't wake up... I think I must have fallen asleep because I couldn't digest the delicious food at your house yesterday! Let's see... if you are impressed, it's not about people like you..."

In the middle of the river, the pilgrims, considering the timing of the alms, took moss and flew away from the sky to another region. On that day, the devotee offered alms to the resident monk in a delicious milk bath filled with ghee, bee sugar, etc.

“Oh Lord…. Our guests are tired of traveling. That's why it should sleep. "Give this to Him" ​​and put the alms in a very well-smelling purse and gave it to the resident Therun. Therun took it without saying anything. I thought while taking it. 'Happey! If you give this kind of charity to Meka, you will not be thrown out by the neck. This cannot be given to a human being. Then people will know. Can't put it in water. Then the ghee will rise to the top. Can't even put it on the ground. The crow is circling. Then you will know. What am I going to do with this?', he saw a fire burning in a field. He went there and removed the coals from the fire and left it there. Covered with charcoal again. Went to the temple. Checked if the visiting monk was there. Those guys are grown up. That's when the resident monk came to his senses. 'Oh! That is not an arahant's name. As if he had grown up knowing my views... because of a food, he made this mistake at my hands...' a heartache arose. From that day, that monk fell ill. After a few days he died and was born in hell.

Suffered for thousands of years in hell. From there he got angry and was born five hundred times in a row in the spirit of the devil. Until then, I did not get enough food for a long time. On the same day, I received a dead woman to fill the womb. After that, he was born in the dog spirit five hundred times in a row. Those five hundred souls got a stomach full of vomit for one day. From there, I got a male soul from a poor family in a very poor village in the Kasi country. Since then, there is no water in that house. He got the name 'Mittavindaka'. A friend's parents kicked him out of the house because he couldn't handle his hunger since birth. Unable to do anything, he walked and walked and came to Varanasi.

At that time Mahabodhisattvas were Disapamok Acharyas in Varanasi. Five hundred youths were taught the craft. At that time, he was teaching crafts to the poor children of Varanasi for free. This friend also joined the class taught by bodhisattvas for free. But he is wicked. I don't ask for advice. Attacking others. They don't even listen to the Bodhisattva's advice. Since he was taken, the Bodhisattva's sources of income have been closed. From there he quarreled with other youths and ran away. After some time he married a very poor woman. They also got two children. The people of the village appointed Mittavindaka to carry messages. Since then, the village has no responsibility. He was fined seven times by the government. Seven times the lake broke. It was said in the village that this is happening because of the victim. The villagers got together and drove them out of the village.

These four went to the forest without anything to do. There the children and the wife were killed and eaten by the inhumans in the forest. Mittavindaka also ran away from there.

Mittavindaka came near a coastal port. Became a port worker. Boarded the ship on the day of departure. The ship sailed for seven days at sea without any trouble. On the seventh day, he stopped in the middle of the sea. They speculated that there was a sinner on board. Mittvinda got the tip of the animal itself. Then the people on the ship gave him a bamboo shoot and threw him into the sea. Immediately the ship left.

Mittavindaka was lying on bamboo leaves and floating in the sea. At that time, Anusas appeared in the seal that protected the monks of Kasyapa Buddha's order. He was called to him by a ghost who was in a crystal plane on the sea. Vimana Pretiya also enjoys a week. Suffering for a week. He was with her during the week of pleasure. As soon as the suffering started, Mittavindaka left there and went to the sea again with the gun. In this way, the vimanas who were in a golden vimana, a silver vimana and a gem vimana spent time with their lovers. While leaving there, he landed on a devil's island in the middle of the sea. There was a demon in the guise of two goats. A friend of mine pulled the goats' feet saying that I want to eat goat meat too. Yakini then picked him up and threw him away. Mittavindaka went fast on the sea water and overturned on a barbed wire on the bank of Varanasi Pura Moat.

At that time, thieves would steal the king's two goats roaming by the moat. The goat herders hid behind the bushes to catch the thieves. There was also an Elicchi where Mittavindaka fell. Mittavindaka thought like this. 'Once I was dragged by the leg of an elephant and thrown here. If I pull this Elitchchiya's leg, I will be thrown to the goddess Vimana in the middle of the sea.' Elicchiya Lathoni gave. According to the noise, the goat keepers rushed there and said, "Here the goat thief has been caught...", beat them well and took them to the king.

At that time, five hundred Bodhisattvas go to Nan with students. He saw Mittvindaka tied up and recognized him. Talked to the goat keepers.

"Children... This is one of my disciples... why are you taking him...?"

“Lord…. This one was pulled by the legs of two of our goats. That's what caught...

"Oh, then make this one a slave for us. We don't live because of us..."

So they released Mittavindaka.

"She... Mithvindaka... where have you been so far...?" Then he told all the details. The bodhisattvas who heard it said this stanza.

“One seeks good for another

If you do, be warned

But if he asks no

Pulled by the feet of the goats

Grieving like a friend"

warned that

"Monks, that losakatissa has been eaten three times since the time of Kassapa Buddha. While in the presence of a demonic spirit, Kusa Piren got pregnant. While in a dog spirit, Kusa Piren heard vomit. On the day of Pirinivan Pana, due to the inspiration of Sariputta, Kusa Piren received Chatumadhura. Because of this, it is never good to endanger the profit of others. Monks, this Losakatissa was a friend at that time. I was the Disapamok Acharin.” said this native.

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