40. Dana-Khadirangara Jatakaya

 At that time, our Blessed One was living in Jetavana in Sawat. Anepidu Situ spent fifty four crores of gold kahwanu to prepare the Jetavana Vihara. Went to visit the Blessed One three times a day. He sacrificed a lot for the benefit of the needy. In the palace of Anepidu Situ, daily alms are offered to five hundred monks. His palace has six floors. On the fourth floor of this great edifice there was a vimana of a certain deity. That is divine heresy. Something happened in that palace that often upsets her.


The Blessed One almost always visits that palace. Eighty great disciples are growing. Other great arahants are growing. Every time that god has to descend from that plane. Because she often got down from the plane with her entourage, she lived with great resentment towards the Blessed One and the Sangha of disciples. She thought like this.

"As long as Sramana Gautama and his disciples enter this house, I have no happiness. I can't get off the floor every time I come first. Something must be done before this house is damaged.

So one day she appeared in a great light while the head of Situ's construction was sleeping. Then he woke up immediately. "Who is this angel?"

"I am the goddess in the divine plane on the fourth floor of this palace"

"Why did you show up now?"

"Can't you see the kalkyria of your statue? Every animal is sacrificed at the feet of Sramana Gautama. Can't you think a little about your future? No trade now. No business. There is no industry. To tell Sithu about this. Even now, Sramana Gautama with his disciples should be prevented from coming to this temple.

“Emba stupid goddess…. Situ spent his wealth on Narayan Buddhism. So, if he can, he will spend my wallet on Shasane.... Get out of here immediately..." and chased away the angel. Another day she appeared in front of Situ's eldest son and continued in the same way. She was chased that time too. After that, she was waiting for an opportunity to speak directly to Situ himself.

As Situ did not pay much attention to his business activities, the income gradually decreased. The borrowers who borrowed eighteen crores did not pay. Eighteen crores worth of treasure treasured by Achiravati Gangthera was swept away by the flood. But Situ didn't stop giving. In the end, they had to give sour porridge and rice. But Situ went on happily without any fear.

Now the god thought like this. "Situ will not listen to me when he is busy. Now poor or not. "Now my word will be accepted" appeared in the middle of the night with a single light on Situtuma's bed. Situ woke up. "Who is this goddess?"

“The great tiger…. I am the goddess in the fourth floor of your palace.

"Why did she appear now?"

"I would like to give you a warning"

"Good…. to say

“Great tiger… You didn't think this would happen to you , did you ? I have known for a long time. In the end , you become even more helpless. You abandoned all activities and went after Sramana Gautama. what happened to you You became poor. that is all! Even now to prevent Sramana Gautama with disciples from coming to this house”

"Then is that the advice she is giving me?" "That's how it is" "Embala Dussila girl, not only you. Do you think that even if a million people like you come and say it, it is possible to lose my admiration for the Blessed One? Hey… maid…. From today you have no place in my house. Get out of here immediately”

After hearing the words of Anepidu Situ, who was a noble disciple who attained the fruit of Sovan, she could not say anything and left the palace with her entourage. She did not get a flight anywhere in Savat. She met the city guard and said that she should apologize to Situ again. The guardian god said that he could not do that and asked the Sataravaram Devmaharajas to meet. So she met four deities. There was no result. Sakdevindu asked to meet. She worked very hard and met God Sak. Sakdevindu warned her a lot. In order to punish him, he warned him to return all his debts and to bring back the property that was washed away in the sea by the flood. She said all those things and apologized to Anepidu Situ.

One day Anepidu Situ visited the Blessed One and told all this news. “Lord…. That god thought that he could destroy my love for the Blessed One. In the end, she got into trouble."

“Grihapati, you are a disciple who has come to the immovable faith of Sovan. Therefore, it is not a miracle that your faith is not damaged. But in the past, when even wise people prepared for alms with immature knowledge, Mara appeared in the sky. "If you donate, I will wait. He was threatened that these eighty cubits of deep fire will be thrown into hell. But he gave alms amidst all those challenges. It's not a miracle."

Then Anepidu Situ asked the Blessed One to tell about that wonderful event of the hidden past. The Blessed One said this jataka.

"Gruhapati, a long time ago there was a king named Brahmadatta who reigned in Varanasi. At that time, the Great Bodhisattva was born as a son of a plantation family in Varanasi. It grew very well. After his father's death, he got the position. Bosat Situ built four temples at the four gates of the city. A temple was built in the center of the city. He built another temple in front of his temple. In this way six dansals were made and started giving big donations. Sil protected.

One day, at breakfast time, the Bodhisattvas were brought a sweet-tasting bojuna with na na flavor. At that time, a certain Pase Buddha, who had been in Nirodha Samapatti for seven days, came to the Situ Palace of Benares. The Bodhisattvas saw him and rose from their seats and looked at the servant with loving respect. 'Swami... what do you want to do?' "Come with the bowl of our Lady " immediately Pavitu Maraya thought like this. "Oh... This student is going to get food after seven days. If not , he will perish. Therefore, he must be destroyed. "This situya should be prevented from giving alms," he said, creating a huge hole of coal eighty cubits deep between Pasebudun and Situmadura. Flames spread upward like an inferno, and red cedar embers were visible. The man who went to offer the bowl got scared when he saw it. He turned and ran.

"Why did the child stop?" "O Lord... look at this... a great dangerous fire pit has been created. Everyone who came there got scared and ran away. Then the bodhisattva thought like this. "After all, this must be the devil's work. This must have been done to prevent my charity. They must not know that even a hundred or a thousand mares cannot shake me. Let's see today that Mara's inspiration and my inspiration are great" Dane took the bowl filled with charity. Came out of the house and came to the coal bank. Looked at the sky. I saw someone in the sky. 'Who are you?' I am Mara. I have come to prevent your alms and to destroy the life of the Buddha.

"Maraya... I will not let you stop my charity. " We will not allow the life of the Buddha to be endangered," he said from the bank of coals. "Lord, noble disciples , it does not matter if I fall upside down in these coals of fire. May I accept this offering!" said this stanza.

“Surely these coals are to hell

Even if I fall, I will rise up

I will not allow charity not to be received

accept my alms”

The bodhisattvas took the alms bowl with determination and jumped on the coals. Immediately, the asuras emerged from the deep pit of hell and welcomed the bodhisattva's feet. The stamens of those great flowers rose up to the size of the bodies of the Bodhisattvas and gave protection to the tops. Standing on that pyum kemia, he offered the bowl to the hands of the Buddha. Lord Buddha threw the bowl into the sky and ascended to Himav Piyasa from the middle of the valley while the people were watching. The mare got confused and disappeared.

Householder, that day I was the statue of Benares who subdued the mighty power and stood on the piumum kemia and gave pinpadatha alms to the Lord Buddha.

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