47. Varunidusaka Jatakaya

 At that time, the Blessed One was staying in Jetavana in Sawat. In those days, an acquaintance of Anepidu Sittu had a liquor shop. He sells well-ripened frogs there. One day, a big frog halli was prepared. Called his employee.


"Guys, I'm going to take a shower. Now people will come to eat. Take money from them and sell them. I'll be back soon…”

Then people came and bought frogs. I saw him occasionally putting salt in his mouth while drinking. That's when the worker saw it, 'Happe...! It's like I couldn't put salt on the prawns today,' said Nali, adding salt and treating the prawns well. After that, the people who came to eat the frogs threw the frogs into their mouths.

" What did you do to Ra Hali...?" asked.

Oh... the people who come here and drink it put salt in their mouths. I thought the frogs must have lacked salt. I added a pinch of salt and dissolved it...

"You fools... They scolded the frog and said , "The wonderful frogs went wild." They got up and left. The merchant took a shower. No one is there.

"Why are the children lonely today...? Didn't people come...?"

Then Kolua explained what happened.

“Oh! Fools…. Then you destroyed my Ra Halli..." and blamed him. This merchant told the incident to Anepidu Situ. Situ visited the Blessed One and worshiped him. This event is estimated.

“The Home Secretary…. That Kolua is not only in this soul. A previous soul also did the same thing." Then Anepidu Situ asked the Blessed One to tell the hidden story. The Blessed One said this jataka.

"Gruhapati, long ago there lived a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi. At that time Bodhisattva was the Buddha of Varanasi. There was a merchant who set up a liquor store in that planter's area. He keeps well-ripened frogs and sells them in this village. One day he handed over the shop to his disciple named Kondanya and went to Nan. People who came to the shop were seen biting salt cubes while drinking. Then the disciple thought that there was not enough salt for the frogs. He put about a pinch of salt in the pan and did it well. The people who came to the shop and bought frogs started scolding like before. That frog was destroyed like that. The merchant went and told this matter to Sithu. That's what happens when you give a job to a fool. This stanza said that thinking that you are doing good, you are doing bad things.

“Work by dedication is done by the fool

Nitin destroys the thing that makes you happy and healthy

If you go to work like this from the fool

He will get Kondanya's death as Sura.

Householder, the same person who was the disciple of that merchant named Kondanya and vandalized the ra halli, also vandalized your friend's ra halli. I was the head of Varanasi that day," said this Varunidusaka Jataka.

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