01. Apannak Jatakaya

You must know about Anepidu Mahasita. He is a very rich businessman. Sovan was a great devotee. He bought a very beautiful garden owned by Prince Jeta in Savath. The booths were filled with crowds, water ponds, promenades, fire houses, incense pavilions, fragrance booths, etc. and a great monastery offering was made to the Blessed One called 'Jetavana'.

This poor giant has many friends. They are also doing various businesses. But they are not worshipers who have taken refuge in the Trinity. Disciples of other religions. One day Anepidu Mahasita spoke to them.

"Friends... This time, I want to fulfill my request. Let us visit the Blessed One. I have prepared flowers, fragrances and flowers for all of you."


So Anepidu Situ, accompanied by those five hundred friends, went to visit the Blessed One. Sacrifice was held. The monks also offered offerings to the Sangha. They also got to hear the Dhamma from the Blessed One. Although I did not understand deeply, I was impressed. Abandoned alternative refuges. Buddha took refuge. Since then, they often go to the temple with Anepidu Situ. He also listens to sermons. Donation is also given. Silhouettes are also celebrated.

The Blessed One left Savat and went on a journey. He is older than Rajagahanuwara. Then one or two of Anepidu Situtuma's business friends stopped coming to the temple. After a while, everyone is in the same old place. Went to the old Tirthaka monastery again. The heathen took refuge. The silence was broken.

The Blessed One is sleeping again. Then those five hundred friends went to visit the Blessed One again with Anepidu Situ. Tisarana took refuge. Abandoned refuge in other religions. Then Anepidu Situ treated the Blessed One like this.

"Oh... Lord, blessed ones, these friends of ours didn't care. There was interest only while the Blessed One was sitting. Only then was Thisarana located. Until then, he came to listen to the sermon. Donated. Silhouettes were also taken. What happened to them during the journey of the Blessed One? No one came. After a few days I got to know. Breaking the great peace. Falling into the old hole again. Other pilgrims take refuge in Gohin.”

Then those five hundred worshipers were looking at the ground in great shame. The Blessed One asked them and said.

"Worshippers, have you broken the Thisarana? Did other pilgrims take refuge again…?”

“That's right, Lord…. It was our fault."

“Worshippers…. It was because you could not recognize the real ones. Dharma could not be identified. The Shravaka Sangha was also unable to be identified. Satara Apa can get rid of all the sorrows. It is also possible to give birth to heaven and give great bliss. It can also be sent overseas. Breaking the three pillars like this is a great loss for you. A great loss. Worshipers... In the past, people were fooled by the deceitful talk of helpless monsters and went astray. Lost in the great desert. Sacrifice to the Inhumans. There was a great destruction. But smart people have survived before. They took the right path. He crossed that desert safely."

Then Anepidu Situ stood up smiling. Dotho Naga worshiped the Blessed One. He said this.

"Lord, Blessed Ones, this story is well known that these worshipers, who were our friends, broke the peace and sought the wrong refuge. But what the Blessed One said about the people who were deceived by the evil spirits in the past, and about the people who walked the innocent path and got well, is not a story known to any of us. Lord…. Tell us that story!” Then the Blessed One said this wonderful story that was covered by the past.

“Grihapathi… it happened like this. Long ago there was a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi, Kasi country. At that time Bodhisattvas were born in a family of cart traders. So the Bodhisattva became a young man and did the same trade. Traded with five hundred wagons. Going east for a while. Going to the western desert for a while. Meanwhile, there was another wagon trader in Varanasi. But he is stupid. Does not know how to work wisely. He traded like the competition.

One day the Bodhisattvas filled five hundred wagons with valuables. Prepared to go west to trade. Then that stupid wagon dealer also got his five hundred wagons ready. He is also going to go to the west side. Then the bodhisattva thought like this.

"Now if this car dealer comes with me, we will both be in trouble. Cows also lose grass. Therefore, one of the two must go first. The other person should go after" So Bosat the wagon dealer spoke to that dealer.

"This... friend... both of us going to trade at the same time is a trouble for both of us. So we are ahead of anyone. Are you going to go early now? Am I?”

Then the stupid car dealer thought like this. "There are many advantages if I go earlier. Cows have grass. We get vegetables for curries. Water is available. Goods can also be sold."

"Then my friend... I will go first" he said and left early.

Then the bodhisattvas thought like this. "That's good too... My cows that leave later can eat the new grass that has grown where the previous cows ate. We can also grow fresh herbs. We can also benefit from the new water facilities they are building. They can sell the goods at the same price as the goods they sold before.

So that wagon merchant from Modapaha very happily took the wagon and left. Also came to the desert area. It's a sad story. Penatek Mane Weli. The sand is scorching in the hot sun. fire heat I don't wait until I see a drop of water. There is no cam beam. There are real monsters in that lonely place. They mislead the wagoners. Sacrifice Sixty Yojanas have to cross that desert. The five hundred wagons now descended into that terrible sandbar.

The monsters saw them. Waited for the middle of the desert. Carts drawn by beautiful young white oxen were imagined. He wore garlands of water-resistant Mahanel flowers. Beautiful people disguised themselves. Their clothes are also wet. Water escapes from the hair. It's as if the wine has just come out of a pond. The cart wheels are also covered with mud. They laugh and sing songs and eat lotus tubers and come forward in those carts.

The main wagon leader should bear all the responsibilities. When the wind blows in front, he escorts the people and goes ahead avoiding the dust. He follows as the wind blows behind him. The wind blew from the front that day. So he went ahead.

Now when this wagon leader came in front, a monster stopped by his cart.

"And... where are you going...?" Then the main train leader stopped his train. He let the other cars go and talked to them.

"Friends... We are coming from Varanasi. You have bathed well….. wearing lotus flowers…. With wet clothes….. ate new lotus tubers….. from where does this come. Is there a lotus lake on your way?"

"What are you asking Oi.... A little further in the dense blue forest. Waterfalls flow. The lakes are full of ponds. We are coming from there. Which province are you going to….?”

"Friend, we are going to Asaval province."

"What is this kind of stuff...?"

"We carry things like cloths, rugs, and toys."

"Then what is pulling Mahabara from behind?"

“Ah…. Those water carts…. There is no water in the desert. Those containers are filled with water."

"Oh my friend... It's good that you brought that load of water so far. But water is useless beyond here. Can't you see how we come from a good shower? Please shake them off. Cows are also disrespected. Weight is also less. The journey is also easy. What are you worried about... Anyway, this time it is raining a lot... So we will go....” That abominable cart went away. Disappeared.

The stupid train leader got caught in the fraud of the monsters. All the water falls on the ground. The journey left in Hellu. I kept hoping for a beautiful forest. Loved to see the lotus ponds. Alas…. People don't even have a drop of water to quench their thirst. Neither do cows. In the evening, everyone's throats and mouths were dry. The cattle began to salivate due to thirst. People were confused. There is nothing to do. Now the night started getting late. Five hundred wagons were parked in a circle. The train leader is standing there. Weak men slept where they fell. The monsters came late at night. Killed all the bulls and all the people. They drank their blood. Also ate meat. Only the bones were left.

After a month and a half, Bodhisattva left for the journey. Came to that desert. He called his servants.

"Friends…….. Now we are embarking on this journey of seventy years in the desert….. remember well. Don't throw away a drop of water without telling me….. There are poisonous plants in this desert. There are poisonous fruits. "Don't eat any of that without telling me."

Amanusayan was waiting for this group of wagons to go to the middle of the desert. As before, they imagined carts drawn by beautiful white cows, wet as before, wearing flower garlands, eating lotus tubers and smiling. As before, he fell into conversation with the Bosatun. It was said in the previous description. He went away and disappeared.

Then the group of wagons said to the Bodhisattvas.

"Arya Putra.... Seen... How those people ate lotus tubers and sang songs.... In front of the dense blue forest. So why are we carrying this unnecessary load of water. Cows also have a hard time. So let's empty the water weight. Go easy.”

Then the Bodhisattvas stopped the chariot. Gathered all the people in the gale.

“Friends…. Have you ever heard that there are forest lakes and ponds in this desert….?”

"No, son of Arya... However, those people said it was the forest ahead. Let it rain heavily"

"Good…. If it rains like that, how far will the cold wind blow...?"

“Arya son…. It is blowing to a distance."

"Good…. So did even one of you get even a dose of the gentle breeze....?” "No, Arya son."

“Okay…. If it is raining like that, how far can those clouds be seen?" "Seems like a deployment."

"Okay... so did anyone see a rain cloud?" "No, Arya son."

“Okay…. How far can you see when electrified?" "You can see for five miles."

"Good…. Did anyone see the electrocution?" "No, Arya son."

"Okay... how far can you hear the sky roaring?" "You can hear it from a distance or two"

“Okay…. Did anyone hear?" "No, Arya son."

"Friends... It's not people. They are monsters. They lied. I was thinking well when I was talking to those monsters. They don't blink an eye....not even their shadow. There are no shadows in those carts or the cow sheds. They showed an illusion. They cheated us, tricked us, moved our water to the ground after us, made a mess, and their plan is to kill us. It is not easy to recognize their magic….. now friends…. Remember well…..don't waste a single drop of water…. Let us hurry and be on our way.”

In the evening, the five hundred chariots of the Bodhisattvas arrived at the same place where the earlier chariots had stopped. Oh... Everyone is a victim of monsters. Bones are scattered everywhere. The Bodhisattvas were early in their journey. People and cattle were quickly fed. Bulls were parked in the middle of people's houses. Swords were given to the leaders of the forces in the gale. The wagon train stood guard all night. The bodhisattvas were also walking around the gala as soon as it dawned. The next day food was given to cattle and people. Abandoned his weak chariots. They took the strong carts that were there. He left his cheap goods. The valuables there were filled. The desert journey was quickly completed. Traded well. Came back safely to Varanasi.

Having said this, the Blessed One addressed Anepitu Situ and said:

“The Home Secretary…. Did you see... How those who could not imagine what was right in the past ended up in great destruction. Those who thought correctly escaped from the clutches of evil. He also went home. Suwase came back to where he was.

Those who don't look at what others say and take it that way, don't know until they are caught by the evil ones. They were arguing. I thought what I saw from the outside was right. But the actual situation is quite different. The rest of the group were saved because they obeyed the bodhisattvas. That pratipada is called Apannaka pratipada. It's a perfect solution. The right way.

It was that unspeakable product that the Tathagatas developed. Through that, the birth of Sugathiya was arranged. Magaphala Nivana also arranged. The wrong result is called the false result. Only the four hells and lame birth will be obtained from that.

The householder…. At that time, that stupid wagon leader was Devadatta. His group is the same as Devdat's. I was the wise wagon leader. His group was the current Buddha group."

Dear children, because of this speech, those devotees understood that Tisarana is the product of innocence. I also realized that the places that say there is help beyond the horizon are like the magic of those monsters. Those worshipers understood the great refuge of the Blessed One. All of them became sovan fruits. There are so many people these days who meet the right thing and leave it and fall back on the wrong path.

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