49. Daddabha Jatakaya

 In those days, our Blessed One lived and worked in Savatnuwara Jetavana. At that time, there lived many tirthaka Thausans near Jetavana, who were doing various austerities to their bodies. Some of them are sleeping on wooden floors with spikes all over. Some other people keep a bonfire on their head and burn piles of fire around themselves and plant the body. 


Many monks begged for alms in Savat that day. On his way back to Jetavana, he saw other pilgrims who were seeking liberation by performing various ascetic practices as mentioned earlier. So those monks visited and worshiped the Blessed One and said this.

"Lord, blessed ones, today we got to see many thousands of people doing penance by suffering their bodies in various ways. Are there any benefits to them in the Vrata celebrations of those other theerthakas?”

"Brother, what you are trying to do is of no use to them. No species can be born. Very seriously exhausted, looking for it is like going on a road to a toilet. There is no second to the story of Sava, who ran away in fear of the sound of those tirthakas saying that the earth would overturn. There is a blinding of those who do not seek and do not ask. 

"O Lord ,  we have not heard a story before about running and saying that the earth is moving because of the sound. May it be taught to us!” The monks asked the Blessed One. The Blessed One narrated this past story.

"Monks, a long time ago there was a king named Brahmadatta in Varanasi who was criticizing the state. At that time, Mahabodhisattva was born as a lion and lived in the great forest. In those days, there was a palm forest near the western sea with a palm tree that also had beligus. In the forest, there lived a dead man in the shade of a palm tree under a certain beli tree.

One day, after walking in this Sava forest, he ate undupialiya and drank wine. "Oh really... even if it's impossible, if this huge earth turns over, where will I run?" that Just as I was thinking about this, a big beli fruit fell from the beli tree with a terrible sound of crashing on the palm leaf. It was as if Sava had been thrown on the floor. I was very scared. He was thrown away from where he was. There was a great fear of death.

"Hape appo... I'm coming... the earth is rolling over," he said, without even looking at the side of the tree, and started running with one jump. Then another person nearby said, " Hopey... what happened to you...? Why are you running so scared?" asked. "If you ask me, well... we're doomed! " The rabbit continued to run. "Hapoi... Hapoi... looks like a great and dangerous disaster" and then that Sava also ran after that Sava. While running, he asked, "Please tell me... what happened!" Then Sava slowed down for a moment and without looking at Talgasa said, "Aang, the earth is rolling over from that side... Hiyo!" Said and ran. Seeing this, the other rabbits were very scared. One herd was killed and kept running. There were thousands of people running in this way .

Then a deer was watching them run. "Bola , why are you running?" asked. " Hey ... don't you see those who are rolling on the ground" he said and ran. Then the deer got scared and kept running with them. A pig also joined this group of people running in great panic. While going a little further, an elk also joined. Buffaloes also joined. Cows also joined. Another lion in the forest also joined.

An elephant king saw this running group. "Ho...  ho... why are you running so fast ?" asked. "Don't you see... the earth is rolling!" Answers were received from the animals. The whole group of animals stretched out to a distance of about a mile when the animal army broke into life in one jump.

On that day, Bodhisattvas looked at the running group and asked, "Where are you running?" asked. "Hai... omg... the earth is turning," they continued. Bodhisattvas thought like this. “Um… um… how's that going? It can't be. Yes... this earth cannot be overturned. Someone must be delusional  about something. If I do not intervene in this, they will not all run towards the sea. It will be a great disaster. " We have to save them ," he ran fast and climbed a hill and said , "Hey... you're dead! He shouted in a loud voice and did three lions. All the animals that were afraid of the lion cowered and stopped. The lion came to the animals.

"And... now tell me... where are you running?"

"Mm... this... this... the earth... is... rolling over."

"Okay... who saw the earth rolling first?"

"This Atrajaya of ours has seen."

"Oh no... I didn't... those lions saw."

"Oh no... I didn't see... I was told this is the tiger."

"I was told Kagavenai... or I don't know any of this nonsense..."

"And... I was told by that cow... these cows... it wasn't you who told me that the land of Duvapiya will turn over."

"Oh, I know... this... this is... this buffalo told me..."

“I was told… Aang that gonathadia!. I didn't know anything . "

"Oh... I told you. .. I was told that Hurumota . That's why ... what did I see ?

Oh , I don't know about this..  You are Muwa Namba . They are the ones who should be held responsible for this."

"Oh... wait... you caught me... oh, it's not me... you're here... this and the herd... it was you who started this crying."

"Hane... we don't even know... you are the one with big eyes, raising your ears, gurgling... drooling from your mouth... oh... it was that sava who told us."

"And... did you see that... tell me, honey... how did you see the earth rolling over?"

"That's it... Lord... I... I... saw... Huh.. such a terrible rattling sound!"

"Oh... then tell me... where were you when you heard that terrible sound?"

"Hane, I... I... there is a grove of beli trees to the west of the sea... it is not a valley. There is a big beli tree there, isn't it? Oh, there is a palm tree there. I was reclining in the shade of a palm leaf. Happe... I... Nikang... I just thought... even now I can't even think about what makes the earth roll over... Happe just then... I want to see Swami... how my heart is blooming. Happa... Just then, the earth started to collapse with a terrible sound. This is the journey I kept for my daughters without looking back..."

"Oh... oh... it's not a good fight you've had... and it doesn't matter... the rest of you all stay the same... I'm just going to watch this. And... and Pancho... the mission... m... climb on my back. Hold the saffron very loudly... we will both go and see if this is true or not... you rest.

So the lion kept the rabbit on his back and hurried towards the palm forest. At Talwana, the rabbit was brought down. "And... err... the place where Penny saw the earth overturning..."

"Oh Lord... I can't... Harpo... I'm afraid to go that way.

"Here... don't be afraid... I'm not here."

Then Sava could not get close to that beligasa and said this first stanza from a distance, "Oh... there... Lord... the earth began to shake and the terrible sound came out."

Oh Lord, I used to live there

Bading biding and shaking the ground

The same place where the terrible voice came from

I don't know what happened to us

Hearing this saying of Sava, the lion went under the beli tree. The rabbit searched carefully under the palm tree. The lion started laughing when he saw that there was a big bell which fell on the palm leaf and fell to the ground. “Hee… hee… hee… okay… okay… I figured it out. "Oh... if you are sick... how the brain is stuck... ha... ha... now get up on my back... hold the saffron tightly. Don't go too soon. "The others who came to Melaha do not know what to do with fear," he said, running back to the place where he was standing with the rabbit on his back. The rest of the animal army waited impatiently. The lion came and lowered Sava to the ground and addressed the group.

"Haha...haha...ha...hih...hih...heh...heh...heh...hey, didn't a nut fall on the palm tree where the little one was sleeping. At that time, he was thinking so much that he could not do it now, even if the earth were to overturn, where would he run? Hee hee... Just then, a beli fruit fell from the beli tree on the palm leaf. He was confused by that sound. In a little while you will all run away and stop in the ocean. The lion saved them from a great calamity that they were delusional about.

Having said this, our Blessed One said these stanzas.

Heard a bell falling on the palm

Sava was afraid of the sound of the earth falling

He ran to save his life without looking at it again

All the other animals were scared when they heard his calls

Swallowing everything heard from others

Nothing about the truth or not - not researched

They accepted that everything said was true

A lot of stupid people got into trouble

Clinging to the senses with zeal

Wisely knowing what they are doing

Without being deluded in himself, he has acquired wisdom

Let the wise work - shun the filth

Listen to the lies of others - leave your destiny to yourself

You are wise even if you don't act delusional

Monks, those heretics were wrong because they asked the wrong religion. Because they acted blindly and accepted what they heard without seeking, without looking, without asking, the delusion arose in themselves.

Monks, that day I was the lion who rescued the animals who were in great trouble after hearing the rabbit's voice, and saved them from their calamity."

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